Page 43 - Cadet Review Spring 2024
P. 43

By PO (SCC) Tom Gregory
On the run up to Christmas, a very festive team of cadets and adult volunteers from Sheffield Sea Cadets made the trip down to S6 Foodbank, part of The Trussel Trust, in Sheffield to deliver multiple crates of donated food, tins and hygiene products that the unit had built up over the weeks prior. The cadets had a chance to see how the foodbank works and an understanding of how the donations go towards helping people in the local community.
Their Detachment Commander, Colour
Sgt (SCC) John Daley, who organised the collection commented, "We felt it was an important time to remember that there are people out there who would struggle this Christmas, the cadets really got involved and I am sure their eyes were opened at the size of the Foodbank and just who it was supporting over the Christmas period. Many have already asked when we will do the next one."
Sheffield Sea Cadets would like to thank all the cadets, parents, family, friends and adult volunteers for all the donations towards this cause and hope they can help the people that need them the most.
  In December, our Unit Management Team organised for our cadets and parents to help support a local ‘Operation Be Warmer’ charity and gather products to be able to gift
to those in need at Christmas in Doncaster.
The cadets in the three Divisions (Ganges, Drake & Nelson) at the
unit went home and spoke with their parents to help them gather some useful donations to enable those who may not be affluent and struggle at this time of year, have a lovely Christmas.
We had so many donations and were overwhelmed with the support from our cadets and their parents. We were able to donate three large hampers with donations ranging from toiletries to household products, to tins, biscuits, chocolate and so much more!
Just before Christmas our unit Chairman Mrs. Mandy Halkett went along to the community library where
the ‘Operation Be Warmer’ is based and gave the three hampers so that they could go out to those in need.
The volunteers there were so thankful for our efforts. This is what they posted on their Facebook page. ‘Huge THANK YOU to Doncaster SCC T.S Lightning & Mandy Halkett for their generous donations of three pledged Advent Hampers, beautifully packaged with handmade cards by the three divisions of Sea Cadets. These pledges will be going out into our community on Friday afternoon.’
Everyone was at the Unit bright and early for this special day. All the cadets, including the junior cadets marched from the Unit to the meeting point. This year cadets who have not yet received their No 1 Uniforms, were on hand to give out Service Sheets and collect for the RBL Poppy Appeal. They were so successful that the one box we were given, was completely stuffed with money!
The cadets and particularly the junior cadets coped very well. It was a cold day and after the march back to the Unit, Lt (SCC) Janice Spicer MBE was on hand to supply hot dogs to revive them! Also,
as is tradition, they sang “Happy Birthday” to her.

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