Page 10 - Oundle Life April 2023
P. 10

                                     to germinate and grow. Soaking your seed tray in a basin of warm water reduces the likelihood of the newly sewn seeds being disrupted and can lead to better results. Most seeds like plenty of light to start off the process of growing,
very rewarding seed for a beginner gardener
    so consider where you place the container you are starting them off in. Windowsills are very useful places to put your seeds to get them started.
We also have an abundance of sunflowers seeds to exchange
to grow, as they can grow very large. The seed head produced by the plant after flowering can provide seeds to be re-sown, collected and returned to the seed swap box for others to grow, or used to feed the birds come winter.
Please do come along and take a look. The Oundle Community Seed Swap is simply bursting with lots of
The seeds in the swap box are
labelled with the name of the plant, but
the growing instructions are not always
with them. However, growing tips
can easily be found online or in good gardening books. A couple of advisory books are in the drawer of the swap box, should you need to look up what to do.
For beginner gardeners, we currently have plenty of cress seeds in the swap box. Cress is easily grown in small containers with just tissue paper and water, and the results are quick and very rewarding. Cress is delicious in an egg or marmite sandwich, or sprinkled on salads.
We also have an abundance of sunflowers seeds to exchange. If planted out in a sunny spot and well watered, the sunflower can be a
seed packets ready to be collected and planted up for this year’s growth and colour.
    The seed swap box is located on the gate post of Spindles, 11 Cotterstock Road, Oundle, PE8 4PN and there are a plentiful number of flower, vegetable, herb and trees seeds ready to be swapped.
For further information about the Oundle Community Seed Swap please contact: Mrs Talia Borley - 07984 100376
What did Arnold Schwarzenegger say when he saw his newly sown tomato seeds were starting to grow?
“You have been germinated !”

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