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The 2020 Annual General Meeting of the National Allotment Society took place via Zoom video conferencing on Saturday 24th October at 10.00 am. Over 50 members of the Society joined Officers to go through the business only meeting.
NAS President Phil Gomersall welcomed the delegates to the virtual event
Well I have come to the end of my
term as President of our wonderful organisation. I have thoroughly enjoyed being your President, so much so I
put my name in the hat for a second term; no other submissions, so here I am again. It has been a rather hectic and remarkably busy three years with so many changes and improvements
to our organisation. Having sat in on nearly all Management Meetings I get the feeling it is going to be an even more exciting time in the future.
Unfortunately, there continues to be a number of disputes which consumes an awful lot of time to resolve; time which could be put to much more positive causes. Hopefully, some of our future training proposals will eliminate some of these disputes which are also detrimental to the image of allotment gardening.
This awful pandemic has been horrendous for many and my condolences go to those who have had a bereavement in the family. The positives that have come from it however are many; examples of good old-fashioned friendship and camaraderie on the allotment sites, I myself have been on the receiving end of help offered and simply undertaken without request
by my friends on the allotment whilst I was shielded for nearly 12 weeks. A very frustrating time and a humbling experience.
What has been beneficial however
for the allotment movement is that people in the community have seen
the benefits first-hand that can be derived from our recreational activity and have become quite envious of us.
It has also shown the community the many benefits for health and wellbeing that allotments can offer. Even the Government has realised how beneficial allotments are, keeping them open during lockdown. The result is a huge demand for plots and long, long waiting lists, let’s hope we can accommodate them all.
Despite all the cancellations and difficulties created by the pandemic we had a great allotment week with lots of media opportunities taken advantage of. The alternative video competition brought in many submissions and some lovely and varied submissions they were. Well done to all who submitted a
there continues to be a number of
Mr John Marshall - Honorary Life Vice President Yorkshire Region
Mr Neal Storey - Chair of Northern Region
The Report and Proceedings from the 2019 Annual General Meeting was accepted as correct.
At the National Allotment Society, we pride ourselves in offering a personal service to our membership. In 2018 we went through a Strategic Review and created a 5-year plan.
Our Mission Statement: The NAS is the leading national organisation upholding the interests, values and rights of the allotment community across England and Wales.
• Tohaveamembershipwhoare proud to be part of the National body, promoting the value of allotment gardening
• To provide information, guidance and advice
• To protect the continuing existence of allotments and their good governance
• To preserve the cultural and historical record of allotments and the allotment movement
Our Vision: Is to be:
• An authoritative campaigning voice
for allotments
• A place where allotment associations,
        video. disputes
My recent FB campaign has not only been seen in the UK but throughout Europe in several different languages via the International Allotment Office with whom we are affiliated.
The Management Committee has still been meeting on Zoom on a fortnightly basis to keep the organisation moving forward.
Finally, but not least I thank the administration staff who have been working from home and done a great job despite the difficulties. A special thanks to Di Appleyard for creating and arranging the many opportunities to publicise our wonderful organisation. Wishing you all good health and many hours of happy allotment gardening.
Phil Gomersall, President
Mr Tony Heeson - Chairman and Yorkshire Regional Representative
Mr Maurice Lander - Previous Regional Representative West Midlands
which consumes an awful lot of time to resolve; time which could be put to much more positive causes
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