Page 5 - ALG Issue 1 2014 Digital Edition
P. 5
Head Office
Comments from the Chair
Allan Rees
I am still enjoying a bumper crop of vegetables, potatoes are keeping well and it looks as if I shall have enough to take me through to spring; mind you, I have noticed that one or two of the early variety have already started to seed.
All root crops are still holding even with
the frosts we have had. I did think the
carrots would not be so good having
not had time to store them but hey I’m not complaining. Let’s hope I get some time in before Christmas to do a little bit of winter digging; same as last year, behind with everything.
At the time of writing this, I am in the process of moving house. It is not a good time for the upheaval especially as the date set is 20th December. According to weather reports severe winter storms are on their way just to add to the unbounded pleasure of moving. There is never a good time to move but, at this time of year I am always busy organising different events for other organisations that I am involved with. These usually take me up to the middle of February, so it is a tight schedule to fit it all in.
Alex Mullins
Since joining the Society as Regional
Representative for the Southern
region, I have seen a variety of subject
matter that required addressing and
involvement. I was initially involved with
a legal dispute with my local Borough
Council on a personal basis, which did
not involve the Society’s legal facilities
or funds. The basic issue was over rent
increases of 25% and 60% in a three-year period. There is no need to revisit the matter here as many will have followed the saga on TV, Radio and the Press.
The end result is that now our local Association of some 700 members are not facing 85% increases in three years, but 35% over 10 years and we know what the rent will be up to 2023.
Another matter that has surfaced in the recent year is the tendency for councils to look for ways to redistribute plot holders to avoid providing plots. Some councils seem to think that if they have a requirement for 10 plots, then it is easier to move some off the plots
than provide new plots.
As Joint Chairman, I have taken a more active
role in the various parts of the Society. From looking at providing more benefits to the members to trying to create a more vibrant society that lives up to
its position within the market place. We have over 125,000 members affiliated to the Society through associations. My aim is to increase the standing of the Society, which is the only officially recognised allotment organisation and largest group. We are the only organisation that is referred to in Allotment Acts.
Of course it goes without saying that any changes will only be based on Management
Committee approval and I look forward to presenting new ideas to bring us up to speed in the 21st Century.
It is my intention to run for Chairman at the next AGM as Allan Rees has stated that he will not be standing after 18 years.
I am pleased to announce that one of the new ideas is the Committee approval of two additional new staff members to Head Office and for further details see the article on “Meet the Staff’ on page 11.”
Alex Mullins
At our AGM last year I did say that we would
not be suffering such a substantial loss during this financial year; at the time I felt confident making
that statement. Unfortunately there have been a few setbacks. We have lost several members of staff namely Georgie and Iain; therefore there were limited staff to carry out the full amount of work on the strategic review. Even so we continue to persevere and although some things have been put on hold, slow progress is being made on the business plan.
It has been a difficult year, to say the least, with numerous meetings and having given full commitment to the National and you the members over the last 30 years, lately things have been disappointing.
We are the only organisation that is referred to in Allotment Acts
My comments are short this time so I will close with these
words of best wishes for the New Year. To everyone who has volunteered and attended shows throughout the UK, to all officers and committee who have dedicated themselves to the allotment movement and the Society, to all the members for staying loyal to the cause. All the office staff especially Liz, Mac and Karen who between them have given over 50 years service to the National. There are two members of the Management Committee, Allan Cavill and Cllr John Marr who have just left for various reasons; both have given long and dedicated service for which I am very grateful.
Thanks to you all.
Allan Rees MBE
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