Page 54 - Cormorant Issue 19 - 2016
P. 54

ACSC Entertainment
Lt Cdr Richard Harris RN
A KEY COMPONENT ON the ACSC journey is the development of relationships during the course. The ‘10
o’clock’ SHAGs bar club was a refuge during the long winter months. The pavilion and syndicate nights out also complemented the rich ACSC 19 social tapestry. The
following are the highlights of the busy social calendar.
Trafalgar Night 2015
5 November 2015
ACSC19 really did ‘expect’ as the  rst of the Staff College’s formal dinners set sail to commemorate the 110th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar. Having had enough viewings of the advertising video and organising committee’s endless ‘dits’ (as good as they were), it was with great delight that the night
commenced with the Royal Marines Corps of Drums as the course sought to remember the Immortal Memory of Admiral Lord Nelson.
From a Forum bedecked with signal  ags describing his famous signal, “England Expects That Every Man Will Do His Duty”, to a ‘toppers’ Victory Dining Room, the college was treated to a superb dinner (having had the beef formally ‘drummed in’ by the Swindon Division Sea Cadets).
After an entertaining sketch by CPO ‘Sid’ Street, himself a former member of HMS VICTORY
ship’s company, and a poignant speech by
Guest of Honour Rear Admiral Ben Key, the traditional chocolate ships were served and battle commenced. With the Royal Navy contingent taking the leads on singing a selection of (raucous) sea shanties, surprising many of the Army, Air Force and international students, the volume was strong – though the tune may not have been. The RM band courteously indulged the singers with an encore.
Royal Marines In Forum
This excellent evening, was hugely enhanced by the gracious support of sponsors Serco, Babcock and Adnams brewery.
Taranto Night Dinner
26 November 2015
On the night of 26 November 2015 the ‘WAFUs’
of ACSC19 held a dinner to commemorate and celebrate the Battle of Taranto. The battle of Taranto swung the balance of power in the Mediterranean, where the illustrious forebears of our current naval aviators, in obsolete aircraft, crippled the might of the Italian battle  eet.
The RM band
courteously indulged the
singers with an encore. ◆◆◆
The Dinner
Rear Admiral Key taking the salute
Brie ng time for our brave pilots

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