Page 13 - Bugle Issue 16 Autumn 2020
P. 13
As part of a wider commitment to Op RESCRIPT, 1 RIFLES deployed 36 riflemen to drive ambulances in support of the Welsh Ambulance Service Trust (WAST). WAST response times suffered due increased staff absences and a higher decontamination requirement due to COVID-19. By employing soldiers WAST was able to increase their deployed ambulances. Riflemen had two days of training from WAST covering basic life support, equipment and ambulance driving. Alas, this did not include blue-light driver training. The task (the first of its type) attracted media attention. Sjt Wayne Delahunty proved he was more than just a face for radio with his exposé for BBC News Points West. Next stop Hollywood!
The Riflemen received accolades from the paramedics they were working with, highlighting their work ethic, professionalism, thirst for learning and sense of humour. LCpl Sean Thompson (REME), was singled out for particular praise. Riflemen have completed 7,563 hours of assistance, responded to 1442 emergency calls and assisted at the birth of two babies!
This unusual task developed a bond between the Battalion and WAST, with several Riflemen working to become certified ‘first
Riflemen responders’ and the two organisations forming have a commitment to continue the relationship of completed engagement and training.
7,563 hours of assistance, responded to 1442 emergency calls and assisted at the birth of two babies!
Cpl Chitty and his
“My highlights during this time included rescuing an overdosed youth from an attic down a wooden ladder whilst the police were arguing with a dealer on the stairs below! And coming across a 17 year old who had been hit by a car with a massive head trauma on my way home from a shift where I ended up conducting CPR on my own for 15 minutes until the air ambulance arrived, something I don’t think I would have managed without my experience working alongside such fantastic paramedics.”
Recollection of Cpl Dan Chitty,
CIS Pl, who was awarded a Commander 7 Bde Commendation for his actions.
Sjt Delahunty
rapid response vehicle
leading the media effort
RIFLES The Bugle 13
Rfn Tom Harris (A Coy) was coming to the end of his tour in Kabul when he found out his application to attend the Army Winter Sports Training Camp had been successful. A keen sportsman and sprinter, bobsleigh racing had always appealed to him and this was his oppor- tunity to develop skills first acquired before joining the Army. Rfn Harris was the only member of the regiment to attend the camp. He was quickly selected as a brakeman, the rear of the pair, responsible for generating speed at the top of the run. He was a natural,
selected first to race at the Army Championships and then to represent the Army at the inter-Services cham- pionship in Konigsee. His talent has been recognised by GB coaches and
he is now training for the GB trials in mid-2020, before competing
again in
2020/21. His
success has
inspired other
Riflemen from
within the battalion
and he hopes to be responsible for the fielding of a regimental Ice Sports team – watch this space.
Rfn Tom Harris at the Army Inter-
Services Championship, Konigsee