Page 5 - Bugle Issue 16 Autumn 2020
P. 5
By The Colonel Commandant General
Sir Patrick Sanders KCB CBE DSO ADC Gen
Welcome to the first edition of a new look for The Bugle magazine. The Bugle remains the principal of the Regiment’s routine publica- tions and continues to serve us superbly as a means of informing the five pillars of The Rifles (Regulars, Reserves, Cadets, Associa- tions and Communities).
Over the last 13 years we have seen the size of The Bugle grow to just short of 300 pages as the Regiment has flourished, and that many of our readership would prefer to view the magazine more often, with fresher news, online or on their phone.
A decision was therefore taken to return
to two issues of The Bugle each year, making each edition more up to date, more digestible and available on Swift. In parallel with this, more information is being routinely posted on Swift – the Regiment’s Association Website that is quickly becoming the capstone of our means of engagement. If you are not already signed up to Swift, I strongly endorse it to you now.
Special mention must be given to Lieu- tenant Colonel (Retired) John Wykeham, who has diligently and patiently edited The Bugle so brilliantly up until this issue, with the role now passing to the new Engagement Team working within RHQ.
As you read through the articles about what The Rifles has been doing in the
surreal months since January this year you will acknowledge just how busy we are
as a Regiment. We have entered another interesting time for the British Army and for Defence more widely as we work towards the outcomes of the Government’s Integrated Review.
True to our ethos, we must remain forward looking and innovative in nature so that we both stay relevant and at the leading edge. Change is necessary and healthy, and we must embrace any that we might face and seek advantage in it where we can.
It has undeniably been a strange and challenging year so far, and we are not out of the woods. Nonetheless, The Rifles had cause
to celebrate when Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cornwall took over as Colonel- in-Chief at a ceremony at Highgrove House earlier in the year. The Duchess of Cornwall has been a loyal friend and advocate of the Regiment since our inception as the Royal Colonel of the 4th Battalion and I am very grateful to her for extending her service as the Colonel-in-Chief.
This, of course, does nothing to take away from the debt of gratitude we owe to The Duchess’ predecessor His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, who has been associated with The Rifles and our antecedents since 1953. We could not have wished for a finer, more distinguished and popular Colonel- in-Chief nor one who has so actively and generously supported our Riflemen. He has left his unique mark on generations of Riflemen.
Lastly, I would like to thank all of you across the Regiment for the hard work that you continue to deliver in the name of The Rifles; be it on operations in Iraq, Eastern Europe or Cyprus, driving ambulances or staffing testing sites, bolstering the Associations or continued support to Cadet forces. All your contributions are invaluable, and I am grateful to you all.
Swift and Bold
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