Page 36 - ALG Issue 1 2017
P. 36

First Aid on the Allotment
FS (First Aid) Training LTD
Accidents and incidents can occur at any time. Making sure you are prepared and have some knowledge of  rst aid can make a big difference when an accident happens.
Firstly – A few simple things to consider –
• Do you have a First Aid kit on site? • What’s in it?
• When was it last checked?
• Would you know what to do?
• Have you been on a First Aid Course?
• Does anyone know where you are? • Do you have access to
communications? Take your mobile phone with you.
The following is some basic advice for  rst aid injuries that may occur. However, it does not replace some hands-on experience and extra knowledge that you will receive by attending a First Aid course.
Most  rst aid is common sense; keeping calm and getting help early for the more serious incidents is important.
Wounds and Bleeding
The basic principle for controlling serious bleeding is as follows:
• Sit or lay the person down – in case they faint.
• Examine the wound – how bad is it, do I need to clean it, is there anything in the wound? Embedded objects should be left in place – DO NOT remove an embedded object.
• Apply direct pressure – press on the wound with a clean dressing for approx. 10 minutes.
• Dress the wound – once the bleeding is controlled with direct pressure, apply a sterile dressing to the wound. If the bleeding cannot be controlled after 10 minutes or it is a serious wound, then seek urgent medical aid.
Unconscious Casualty and CPR
There are many reasons why someone may become unconscious. The priority here is to make sure their AIRWAY is clear from their tongue or vomit.
For an unconscious person follow - DRABC
• Assess for DANGER – what has happened? Is it safe to approach? • Assess RESPONSES – talk to the
person – can they hear you?
• Open the AIRWAY – place one hand on the person’s forehead, two  ngers
under the chin and gently tilt their
head back.
• Next Assess for BREATHING – is the
person breathing NORMALLY?
• If the person is breathing normally,
then you need to put them in the

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