Page 4 - Example Journals
P. 4
Volume 8 Number 5
Colonel of the Regiment’s Foreword ............ 3 Commanding Of cer’s Foreword.................. 4 QDG Honours and Awards .......................... 5 Diary of Regimental Events 2014 ................. 6 A Squadron ................................................. 7 B Squadron ............................................... 14 C Squadron...............................................20 HQ Squadron ............................................ 30 Quartermaster’s Department...................... 32 Light Aid Detachment (LAD)....................... 34 Motor Transport Troop (MT) ....................... 37 AGC (SPS) Detachment............................. 37 The Training Wing ...................................... 38 Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) ................ 40 Catering Department ................................. 41 Regimental Aid Post (RAP) ........................ 42 Gymnasium ............................................... 43 The Guard Room....................................... 45 Welfare Of ce ............................................ 45 Padre’s Notes ............................................ 46 The Of cers’ Mess..................................... 47 The Warrant Of cers’ and Sergeants’ Mess51 The Corporals’ Mess ................................. 53 Regimental Events ................................. 55 Ex CAMBRIAN PATROL 2014 ................... 55 Bad Ischl Parade ....................................... 55 The Warhorse Ride 2014 ........................... 62 Langemark Welsh War Memorial ............... 63
Editor: Major E D O’Brien Contents
Royal Yeomanry Recruiting Surge .............. 64
Regimental Recruiting and Wristband Surge..................................................... 64
The NATO Summit in Wales....................... 65
A Squadron LATCH Charity Triathlon ......... 65
Ex EAGLES MATE ..................................... 66
Potential NCO Cadre ................................. 67
Ex HARZ EAGLE ....................................... 70
Op HERRICK 20 Medals and Homecoming Parades ................................................. 72
Regimental Christmas Day 2014................ 76
Sport ........................................................ 77
Rugby Football .......................................... 77 Association Football .................................. 78 Paderborn Equitation Centre ..................... 78 British Army (Germany) Rugby Football...... 79 Alpine Skiing.............................................. 80 Nordic Skiing ............................................. 81 Telemark Skiing ......................................... 82 Snowboarding ........................................... 83 Af liates................................................... 85 1st Special Service Battalion, SANDF ........ 85 The Royal Yeomanry..................................86 The Leathersellers’ Company .................... 87 Features................................................... 89 Advising Afghan National Army Of cers ..... 89 Bosnia 2014 .............................................. 90 The Royal Wessex Yeomanry Adjutant.......91
Sennelager 2014
The Royal Yeomanry Regimental Sergeant Major ..................................................... 93
Defence Engagement Lessons for Light Cavalry................................................... 94
4th Regiment Royal Artillery Tactical Air Control Party ......................................... 95
Army Training Centre (Pirbright) Initial Soldier Training .................................................. 96
Beirut Remembered 30 Years On .............. 96
Elizabeth, Empress of Austria .................... 97
A Cretan Adventure ................................... 98
Raqqa, August 1945 ................................ 99
Lieutenant Colonel Sir Francis Younghusband, 1st King’s Dragoon Guards..................101
First to Fall Remembered at St Mary’s Church Bramshott............................................ 103
Private Harry Frank Richardson, 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen’s Bays) ........................ 103
The Regimental
Comrades’ Association....................106
Regimental Home Headquarters.............. 106
Combined Cavalry Weekend 2014
Of cers’ Regimental Dinner.................. 107
Field of Remembrance Westminster Abbey.................................................. 108
Memorial Parade and Service .................. 109
Cardiff Reunion Dinner.............................109
QDG Heritage Trust ................................. 110
Obituaries .............................................. 112
Valetes ................................................... 114
Regimental Gazette.............................. 120
Marriages and Civil Partnerships and Births.................................................. 124
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This Journal is published on behalf of the Regiment by: Crest Publications, 1 Rothwell Grange Court, Rothwell Road, Kettering, Northants NN16 8FB. Tel: 01536 317000 • email: •