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and the Corporation were a little strained; however, by 1930 a much better understanding between the parties existed.
Despite these problems and the scant consideration shown to the allotment movement in the district, the Manchester Allotments Council greatly increased membership during the year and was one of
the most active members in the North Western area of the National Allotment Society.
Yorkshire was a county of small allotments as well as broad acres. In the large towns and cities there were numerous allotment associations varying in membership from 25 to 1000. These were normally banded together in local district bodies which were sometimes called ”Federations” and
in a few cases “Councils”. Their main function was the organisation of the movement in the town or city where they were established.
As the number of allotment associations and district organisations increased in the Yorkshire area, it was felt that facilities should be provided for the various bodies to meet together periodically, in order to compare notes, resolve difficulties and extend the movement.
This led to the setting up of what was, in all probability, the largest provincial allotments organisation in the country, The Yorkshire County Allotment Federation. For many years this body had conducted active propaganda throughout the county and in addition to holding quarterly conferences was in constant touch with its various units by means of correspondence and personal visits of its organisers.
The Federation, due to the fact it represented a large and influential body of allotment opinion, had succeeded in establishing the best relations between allotment holders and local authorities. The value of such as organisation to the national movement could hardly
be over-stated. In the early days of
its existence it was found necessary
to assist associated societies to purchase supplies and then went on
to make trading one of the principle planks in its platform. Businesses, which started on a small scale, grew
to such enormous dimensions, that
it was found impossible to continue it as a purely voluntary organisation. A separate Society was founded, called “The Yorkshire Horticultural Supplies Ltd” which was the trading section of the Yorkshire County Federation.
Birmingham was one of the largest allotment centres in the country and claimed to be an early pioneer of the national allotment movement. The Birmingham Allotments Council was formed in the early 1920s. Intensive organisation and press propaganda had the desired effect and the control of the
It was reported that there were few places where better relations existed between co-opted and councillor members, as a result of the progressive allotment policy the city had adopted
city’s allotments was transferred to the Allotment Committee. It was reported that there were few places where better relations existed between co-opted and councillor members, as a result of the progressive allotment policy the city had adopted.
Reasonable rents throughout the
city were charged about this time;
1s per pole, so 10s for 300 square yards. Birmingham City provided
more allotments than any other local authority; in 1930 this was 10,717 and the system under which they were administered was unique. The full powers of management were delegated to the local allotment associations, including the collection of rents. For these services, a commission of three and three quarter per cent was charged by the city. Co-operative enterprise developed in the city amongst allotment holders along three main lines:
i) The purchase of land for allotments ii) Theformationofgardenclubs
iii) The holding of shows and exhibitions
Horticultural education was not neglected; classes were held in various parts of the city at which lectures
were given by the Gardeners’ Mutual Improvement Association.
          Allotment and Leisure Gardener 11

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