Page 7 - Thrapston Life April 2024
P. 7

     Any future ambitions? Yes, to explore the option of electric vehicles and becoming a more sustainable and eco-friendly company.
Favourite type of work? It has to be taking people to the Airport. You would
tapas or venture across the bridge to The Woolpack Inn after a walk around the lakes. ...and a tipple to go with it? A refreshing G&T – even better if it’s Northamptonshire’s
   have thought I’d hate taking people to fly off to their far flung destinations! But actually, I love how excited my customers are on the way to catch their flight, and hearing their stories on the return home afterwards!
I love how excited my customers are
Any funny moments? One Saturday
night a guy tried to run off without paying. He thought he’d succeeded, but he managed to leave his wallet in the back... ooops!
Dinner out or at home? Dinner out. We often go into The Kings Arms for theirs delicious
very own Warner’s Gin!
If money was no object, where would you visit? Whale watching in Alaska has always been at the top of my list since I was a child.
Dog, cat or iguana – who’s at home?
Dogs all the way in our household.
We have a Chihuahua called Lily who would do anything for a belly rub or a treat!
Jaffa cake or Hobnob? Hobnob... but it’s got to be a chocolate one! php?id=61551075120358

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