Page 61 - Simply Veg Issue 4 2018
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  for the large plot class, which was the best supported of the day with five entries.
The small-plot class was won by Dot Perks, while the best newcomer was Jan Sims, who took on her plot only at the beginning of June.
There were two entries for the children’s scarecrow competition. As both were of
a very high standard, it was not an easy decision for the judges. The winner was six- year-old Oliver Mounsey, with second place going to Molly and Hannah Harvey.
The judging was followed by an enjoyable buffet lunch and the presentation by horticultural department chairman Graham de Gruchy of the trophy, certificates and
the prizes donated by Ernie’s Agricultural Trade Centre. DESPITE the sweltering heat, hundreds headed for Jersey’s Western Rural Day held at Manor Farm, St Peter
The event was also the showcase for 16 schools taking part in the mini wheelbarrow
competition, which was sponsored by
the Channel Islands Co-operative Society. Barrows were filled with school-grown vegetables and herbs and judged by NVS members Steve Vibert, Norah Treanor
and Jill Green, on their quality and artistic presentation. Overall winners and recipients of a cheque for £1,000 were pupils from Les Landes. Second place (£600) went to St Martin and third place (£400) went to Grouville. There was an opportunity to learn more about vegetable and plant growing and to enjoy afternoon tea at the open day organised by the Jersey Association of the National Vegetable Society.
Held at Les Haies de Grosnez, St Ouen, the home of Graeme and Joy Le Marquand, members of the association and local experts were all on hand to provide help and information to visitors.
These included Ruth Haywood who was available to answer questions on all
Scarecrow competition second place
Mini wheelbarrow winner
aspects of herbs, Nora Treanor, a former States of Jersey entomologist who dealt with pests and diseases, Graham Quérée who advised on growing and showing roses and Glyn Mitchell of the credible food charity who demonstrated how to make vermeer compost, worm juice and fertile soil while managing all kitchen waste.
The open day also provided the opportunity to walk round the garden viewing vegetables being grown for the table and for showing.
This included a polytunnel filled with 12 varieties of tomatoes, peppers, chillies, aubergines, cucumbers, peach and fig trees.
Western rural day. Winners of the Channel Islands Co-operative sponsored schools’ wheelbarrow vegetable competition. Les Landes school pupils - Monty Arnell, Ben Burnett and Cerys Hansford pictured receiving their award from chief executive officer, Colin McLeod.
  Graeme Le Marquand
Winner of schools wheel barrow comp
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