Page 68 - Cavalry Regiment
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                                The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
 Foreword by the Colonel of the Regiment
The last year has been like every one of my seven years as Colonel, privileged, huge fun and rewarding. The Regiment and the Association, families too, travelled in great numbers to France. There we, together with our French friends, commemo- rated the 75th Anniversary of the Mont Pincon action. What a fabulous day it was. My lasting memory is of three genera- tions of Watsons standing before the Memorial itself and laying wreaths. General Stuart, and his grandson, James, on behalf of the Regimental Association and those who fought in 1944. Angus on behalf of serving Light Dragoons everywhere.
Sarah and I joined all three of our major Light Dragoon Association reunion events in Barnsley, Newcastle and Liverpool. All three well attended. I am grateful to the Committees who do so well to maintain a vibrant Association – it will remain so impor- tant in the lives of future retired Light Dragoons, and of course the Association and how it delivers events will evolve. Many sol- diers from the Regiment have attended these events, including at Newcastle a group of officers and soldiers, serving and retired, who gathered to recall events in Afghanistan a decade ago during Operation PANCHAI PALANG. I love these events and enjoy so much seeing old chums, officers and soldiers, come together to recall the challenges, stimulation, good times and bad, and the sheer fun of it all. Banter is good!
Mine has been a rollercoaster of a tour as Colonel of the Regiment. I have enjoyed every moment of it. The story of it all captured I hope in my annual missives in this Journal. I never imagined I would be Colonel; but then I never thought I would last the course as a soldier. Thank goodness I was wrong.
I have written and said it on countless occasions, ours is an excep- tional and very special Regimental family. By which I mean an outstanding operational Regiment, superbly well led at every level, performing to the highest standard in all that it is asked to do – and very, very busy. And supported by an active, strong Regimental Association and lots and lots of families, all of whom I
sense after 7 years as Colonel really care about their Regiment and its people. We are unique because of this combined strength and because neither in the Regiment nor in the Association have we surrendered to those, and there are sadly too many, who in a fast changing and very challenged Army are giving up on things that matter. Long may the Regiment, our Association, and the support of the wider Regimental family flourish in this respect. I truly hope so.
I am fully cognisant that this year, 2020, will be challenging for The Light Dragoons once more, with operational tours to Poland, and it seems very possibly to Mali. Our thoughts and prayers will be with our soldiers, their leaders, and of course with our fami- lies too. Angus Watson succeeds me in May – how fortunate are we. Thank you so much to everyone, for the support you have given Sarah and I; but more important the support you give your Regiment. We are England’s Northern Cavalry.

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