Page 15 - Simply Veg Issue 1 2016
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As the snowdrops and crocus push through the barriers from winter a new season dawns. Within these delicate yet hardy blooms we can see bees almost frollicking in the crocus ower bowls as they bathe themselves in pollen and hanging from the stamens of snowdrops. Their quest is pollen and nectar to sustain the colony from the ravages of winter and prepare for the birth of a new generation.
While we delight in these rst signs of Spring, they are a vital food source for the honey bees that will feast and forage over the coming months. Emerging solitary bees and bumblebee queens are also reliant on the nourishment that early spring owering plants provide.
A fresh water source is always much appreciated – perhaps a shallow bowl lled with pebbles so that they may drink, without fear of drowning, to be used to regulate the temperature within the colony.
With one in three mouthfuls of food we eat being reliant on insect pollination; these additional food sources will provide the food that they need in order to maintain healthy colonies.
For more information on what to do to help the bees go to
A delightful way to support honey bees and learn more about the craft of beekeeping.
“A present that is useful, desirable and capable of doing some good” THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH
To Adopt a Beehive visit Facebook/Adoptabeehive or call 0845 6807 038
Choose to ‘adopt’ a beehive from one of ten regions across the UK and receive this ‘welcome’ box of bee related goodies, plus three seasonal updates a year from your beehive and beekeeper.
Adopt a Beehive, sponsored by Burts Bees. The British Beekeepers’ Association, registered charity no. 212025. All profits go towards applied research & education projects to help save the honey bee.
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