Page 31 - Simply Veg Issue 1 2016
P. 31

I know I have good compost (photo
A), the worms tell me that as they frequently move in as soon as they get a chance. Worms usually move in after the bacteria
have done their work and the worms feed on the humus that is left. Through trial
and error I can now get garden compost ready to use on the beds within 3 weeks
(a month in the winter). I wrap the bins in white plastic during the summer to re ect the suns heat so it does not get too hot
for the bacteria and worms. In the winter
I wrap them in old carpet to keep them warm which keeps the bacteria and worms working, this is how I can still get good compost in a month even in the winter. See Mick’s C.D for further details of how to do this, it is a fascination watch!
When one of my raised beds has had its last produce picked, I top dress with garden compost (which is full of worms) and then water it to ensure it is damp and then cover with a weed suppressant, (Mick has shares in weed suppressants! – Ed) then the worms do my digging for me. All my exhibition raised beds once empty are worked the same way. It is the same with my compost / leaf mould bins they are checked for moisture content every 10 days, the bacteria and fungi are then kept active if it is moist and not too cold. Once the compost is in the beds I can then see spring tails (photo B), this tells me the growing medium the plants are in is ideal, spring tails are found all over the U.K. most of the year round, they eat rotting vegetation such as rotting leaves and bacteria, and
so are found in certain numbers in well decomposing compost bins. Moist and warm and very good fertile soil!!
Worms in the bin
Bin wrapped in carpet
Working with Nature
I have learnt over the years to work with nature, if you do not it will win every time if you try to work against it!
Garden Worms to improve soil
Composting & Garden worms improve your soil ‘The Natural Way’ 07462 474223
Organic Compost Worms
Bins covered in white plastic
simplyvegetables 31

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