Page 4 - Allotment Gardener Issue 1 2024
P. 4

Now we are well over Christmas, how do we cheer ourselves at this gloomy time?
  Planting all those seeds with positivity will help, but it requires extra effort to keep spirits high during this dull season. To boost your feel- good factor this year, why not try becoming more involved in the social/community side
of allotmenteering? Whilst preparing ground for growing and nurturing plants is therapeutic, joining together with other passionate volunteers has the power to greatly boost your mood and create great powerful change for allotments.
Despite the ongoing demand for allotments, the future and the very existence of allotments are continually under threat from various sources, so community spirit and volunteering are more important than ever. Insufficient plots in areas of high demand, lack of investment, apathy amongst some authority officials, along with a shortage of volunteers to replace the older generation are a few of the challenges faced by the allotment community. Now you’re really cheered up! The solution? We need passionate younger folk to step up and contribute their skills to support both site and regional society committees.
Increasing insufficiency of supply leading to shortages of vegetables in shops will mean,
in my opinion, that growing vegetables and allotments will soon be viewed as more of a necessity. The expense and difficulty of growing sufficient quantities both at home and abroad due to various reasons, drought, climate change, political de-stability, war etc., means the need for allotments will increase, as we are ‘the
voice of allotments’, it is crucial we continue to express our view and have our say, both locally and nationally.
2024 has lots to look forward to. We have
a great opportunity to be involved with the National Garden Scheme (NGS) open days.
I have discussed working more closely with them in 2024 and there will be more of this
in the next magazine. For the moment, if you wish to participate in 2024, contact your local NGS representative and become a ‘pop up’ listing advertised on their website and leaflet. Tickets are sold on the day at the site and the ticket income goes to help lots of charities.
In addition, sites can sell refreshments and produce to raise funds for the site/society... it’s a win all round.
Mike Farrell
Yorkshire Regional Representative
Chairman, National Allotment Society
  You may have heard within your region that Liz Bunting will be retiring from her post as Operations and Legal Manager in May 2024. I am sure you will join me in thanking Liz for her hard work within the society. In the next issue we will elaborate on Liz’s successes since joining in 2010. The role of Company Secretary with be taken on by Sonia Gallagher, Office and Facilities Manager, Liz will support Sonia to ensure a smooth transition.
Mike presenting Phil Gommersall with a tour of Rudding Park Hotel and gardens, to mark his stepping down. Phil and his wife Janet had a wonderful day touring the gardens and meeting head gardener Sarah Owen-Hughes.
 4 | Issue 1 2024 | Allotment Gardener

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