Page 109 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 109
Maj (MAA) M J Lewis RAPTC
Having been employed at E2 for is already playing a central role in
the past few years, in a role assisting the Chain of Command to
focused on operational activity,
meet CLFs intent. We are doing this
I was delighted to hear that I would
by feeding directed Type 2 AT and
be returning to a mainstream RAPTC
JSAT Foundation course places to
oficer role in September 2012 as
the higher formation commanders
the Group Training Oficer for ATG
which allows them the lexibility to
(A). Knowing I would be taking over
target those units with the greatest
from Major Steve Collinson meant
need. To further support delivery of
I would be assured of an effective
AT, HQ ATG (A) is also reorganising
and very thorough hand over of
along functional rather than
responsibilities, as was indeed the
geographic lines. This means our
case. My sincere thanks go to Steve
centre staffs are fully engaged with
for leaving the ATG (A) Andover ‘Base
a resubordination programme that
Comd ATG(A) –
Camp’ in such a good state and for
will focus all of our JSAT Foundation
leaving the tent laps ajar suficiently
Maj (MAA) M J Lewis RAPTC
courses and T2 AT delivery under the
Col I A Horn MBE
to allow me to exit once in a while and catch up with newly titled HQ Adventurous Training Foundation Delivery
the rest of the ATG (A) delivery team. After only a few (ATFD) (previously known as HQ ATG (G)), with all
weeks into the job, I began to realise fully the breadth
Leader and Instructor development and delivery solely
of activity in which our relatively small number of focused under HQ JSMTC. The Alpine Training
Headquarters staff are immersed. This activity is Centre moves under the command of CO JSMTC
very diverse in nature and continues to evolve as we in October 2013 closely followed by the T2 Centres
strive to continually improve the support provided to
at; Caple Curig, Castlemartin and Northern Ireland
our delivery centres and in order to meet the wider moving under command of CO ATFD. Amongst all of
ATG (A) mission. We are all very ably led by Colonel this, the Group recently made a successful transition
Ian Horn MBE, Late RAPTC, who; continues to keep to the ARTD and now sits as a separate Operations
us all on our toes, ensures our compass are all heading Group under DG ARTD.
North and who is never short of new ideas.
As my 1 year in post anniversary approaches, faster than I would
In all areas of the Army the current climate of change is exempliied wish, and I relect on the centre visits I have conducted thus far, I
by; the return to Contingency, ongoing redundancy, rebasing, am struck by the ‘can do’ attitude and dedication of the Group’s
morphing into the Army 2020 structure and the Future Reserves supporting staff who manage to keep the course cogs turning. I
20 programme. ATG (A) is not untouched by all of this and we am highly impressed by the tenacity and sheer ability of our military
continue to develop and reine plans to meet the signiicant and civilian AT Instructors who are out there delivering the goods
changes ahead. However, with change also comes opportunity day in, day out, but above all, I am very proud to be a part of such
and this has led to AT becoming irmly placed in the ascendancy. a highly effective and quality AT training delivery team. Finally, I will
In order to meet CLFs recent direction for the reinvigoration of leave you read about the exploits over the past year of the ATG
Army AT, which includes non-discretionary participation, ATG (A)
(A) centre staffs.
Capt (MAA) R Reid RAPTC
This is my second assignment at a stranger as I had been back most haven’t been to Ballachulish for a while
the JSMTW Ballachulish and there winters to play in the ball pit at the Ice or maybe never visited then get yourself
aren’t too many RAPTC folk that Factor in Kinlochleven and sometimes on to a course and come see for yourself.
have re-visited with their furniture; it would even heading up into the hills. Since my Course bookings can be made are via the
seem that Maj (Retd) Kevin Edwards was arrival I have engaged the services of the ATG (A) website via the Forces Gateway.
the only one in 1996; I wonder who will be ‘Extreme Makeover’ crew to do what they You can also get a list of courses via the
next? So, it is with pleasure that my name could and the results have been amazing JSMTC Facebook site by visiting www.
is added to this very small list.
and as such, I would like to thank them
for turning the Old Drill Hall into something
My arrival back to this premier centre very special, their great ideas and skilled
was very welcoming, not that I was
labour has been appreciated. So, if you