Page 114 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 114
Sgt (SI) L Kemp RAPTC
he Joint Service Mountain Training Wing Indefatigable is on the water! The west coast of Scotland can be a very sparse
staffed by personnel from all three services with the Army place which produces many logistical problems, not least of which
contingent comprising of ive RAPTCI’s: WO2 (QMSI) Navin, is inding suitable drinking water. However, the locals can be very
SSgt (SSI) Bottom, Sgt (SI) Chekansky, Sgt (SI) Hogarth and Sgt willing to help and even invite you in or let you camp in their garden.
(SI) Kemp.
The second Concentration takes place in North Wales and is
For every Adventurous Training discipline ‘Concentrations’ centred on providing the higher end JSAT scheme Sea Kayaking
(previously called symposiums) are conducted to provide courses with civilian awards also on offer. The coast of Anglesey
opportunities to gain further experience and, if individuals are can produce some very challenging conditions, due the tidal
already in possession of JSAT Foundation qualiications, the effect around the island, and also provides 5 Star students the
chance to move through the schemes. These concentrations opportunity to hone their skills in some of the country’s biggest
allow for lexible training to suit the needs of the students and are tidal races. Some waves can be up to 2 metres high and going on
delivered by the SME’s for that particular discipline. Sea Kayaking for up to 2 Kilometres!
Concentrations take place twice a year. The irst takes place in
May, based on the West Coast of Scotland, home to some of Sea Kayaking, although you may not believe it, can be one of the
the inest Sea Kayaking the UK has to offer. The focus of this most demanding and challenging disciplines within Adventurous
concentration is on a multiday expedition over a 10 day period. Training. As a 4 Star Leader (S4L) you can be up to a mile from the
This can produce some real challenges especially when it comes coastline in force 4 winds. As a 5 Star Instructor (S5I) the remit is
to trying to pack all your kit into three very small hatches and then open ended, involved with either coastal trips, tidal race paddling
look on in disbelief as your kayak is nearly sinking when you get
or on open water crossings.