Page 134 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 134


6. 80 metre ireman carry
7. Obstacle negotiation
8. 4 x ditch Jumps
9. 100 metre advance to contact

The test was an excellent indicator of the 
patient’s suitability to remain in theatre.

Days were long and extremely busy with 
never a dull moment. During spare time 
in the evenings, I conducted physical 
training sessions for the UK Med Group or 

attended CrossFit Leatherneck sessions 
with a sneaky zumba class thrown in. 
There was plenty to do in Camp Bastion 
for those who were willing to seek it. “Only 

boring people get bored”.

Overall, I had a very successful and 
thoroughly enjoyable tour. I truly believe 
that the DMRT delivered rehabilitation to DMRT end of tour photo

an exceptional standard, which enabled 
deployed personnel to remain in theatre on hand to educate the soldier constantly some exceptional people working with 
and continue to fulill their deployed in regards to all aspects of physical Bastion Hospital and the whole of the UK 
roles. The role of all RAPTCIs in theatre itness and health. It really does make a Med Group, and will remember my tour of 

is paramount and we should always be
difference. I had the privilege of meeting
Afghanistan for years to come.


Sgt (SI) GC Dove RAPTC

eploying on Op HERRICK 17 as part of the Deployed everyone using a gymnasium. The exercises covered included the 
Medical Rehabilitation Team it soon became apparent that various types of squats, lunges and deadlifts. The more technical 
armed forces personnel had more time to focus on their
exercises such as the clean, clean and jerk/press and the snatch 
physical itness. This was partly due to the transition of operational were taught to those who were conditioned and had mastered the 
responsibility being handed over to Afghanistan forces. Mechanical more basic functional strength exercises. The classes were aimed 

Lower back pain and rotator cuff strains were common injuries. at educating individuals on how to complete functional strength 
“Op Insanity/P90X” and “Op Massive” were major contributors exercises instead of conducting a “beasting” session.
to the injuries sustained. Injury prevention was identiied as a 
requirement to focus on in order to reduce the number of injuries The exercises that were covered in these functional strength lifting 

mostly caused by poor training knowledge and technique.
classes should be common practice to any individual visiting a 
gymnasium at home or when on operations. If this is achieved, 
Functional strength lifting classes were conducted in Camp then not only will the amount of injuries seen by rehabilitation teams 
Bastion and set up in the more forward locations by the Role One decrease but soldiers, airmen and sailors will have increased 

Rehabilitation Teams. The lifting classes were open to anyone and
conditioning in order to undertake their speciic job roles.

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