Page 32 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 32




Capt (MAA) M S Gresty RAPTC

orthern Ireland has been a hot bed of movement in this last 
year with many units moving on and 19 (Light) Bde in its 

inal throes. We still await the inal pieces of the re-basing
programme but I am sure that will come and we will adapt to 
whatever that may look like. Predominantly a TA-centric Regional 
Bde, 38(Irish) are under the same structural and cultural change 

pressures as any other unit within Sp Comd and although almost 
ridiculously busy, it is a great place to ply one’s trade as a PTI. The 
Comd is 100% behind PT and sport and has quite frankly pushed 
the PD and AT piece extremely hard. Once I got used to the fact 

that ‘our subject’ was high on the agenda in NI and that there was 
nowhere I could hide, the job, albeit hectic has been extremely 

The Bde carried out an Audit of Sport as part of the Comd’s vision 

of ‘Sport in the age of Contingency’ with, I think, sound results. 
On the back of this audit and concentrated effort from RAPTCIs 
and willing volunteers, sport in NI has lourished to a point where 
it is gathering pace and nearly at the point where it is being fuelled 

by its own momentum. We have also used this interest to seize 
the opportunity to get some of the less ‘mainstream sports’ into 
the spotlight with some success too; namely Mountain Bike racing 
and Suring.

The opportunities of being posted to NI far outweigh the threats 
and I would say that if you ever get the chance to serve here you 
should pounce on it with real enthusiasm. Geographically, you are 

never more than 80 mins away from a unit or training area and this 
makes ‘business’ relatively straight forward. It also means that 
RAPTCIs have a closer support mechanism in place than some 
other wider spread AORs. I will leave you to peruse the articles 
from the RAPTCIs within NI to add meat to the bones of what it is Captain Gresty seeing off the opposition at the Commander’s 
Challenge at the 38 (Irish) Bde Festival of Sport
like over here.

Personally, I have managed to exploit any and every opportunity assured that I will immerse myself, not only in the challenges of the 
to explore this lush green island and have utilised my down time work ahead but the culture and wildlife therein!

to great effect. Rather than returning to the mainland I have taken 
the time to jump on my motorbike with a tent and visited some of Finally, I will close by wishing Capt (MAA) ‘Russ’ Bailey all the very 
the most wonderful beaches, wildernesses, cities and of course, best as SO3 PD 38 (Irish) Bde and by saying a genuine thank you 
hostelries that are a plenty over here. I now have the equally and good luck to all the RAPTCIs ‘across the water’ that I have 

fantastic opportunity to serve in Kenya (BATUK) and you can be
had the joy to serve with over the last 18 months.


Sgt (SI) C A Wood RAPTC

Shortly after transferring into the shortest tour in history was on his way to small, the Leisure Centre helps administer 

RAPTC I was posted as a irst tour the bright lights of the rehabilitation world.
all personnel within Lisburn Station; 
Sgt to the complex and diverse
although over the past few months we 
world of the Northern Ireland Garrison The Menin Gate Leisure Centre is where have seen the numbers dwindle due to 
Support Unit (NIGSU). I took over from the daily business gets done and although the disbandment of 19 (Light) Bde HQ 

Sgt Stu Hawkins, who after probably the
my parent unit NIGSU is comparatively
and 40 Regt RA.

NIGSU team led by 
Lt Col N Ilic MBE QM – 
Canyoning in Scotland

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