Page 3 - LBV 2023
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 Commanding Officer’s Foreword
Having taken over Command from Col Adrian Garrett this summer, I’m delighted to get the opportunity to introduce the 2023 edition of the LBV Journal. I must first thank Adrian and the whole of the CUOTC team for doing such an impressive job re- energising the Unit after the impact of the pandemic and generating the momentum and energy that you will remember.
You may be aware that we lost one
of our alumni in June this year. Hamish Harding, previously of Pembroke College and CUOTC was part of the crew that was lost while exploring the Titanic. A man who achieved many things in his life but who I believe would best want to be remembered for that, exploring, going where no one has been before to find out what is there.
We are now in the vital period of attracting new OCdts at the Fresher Fairs and working hard to advertise
the benefits of joining the UOTC on
our social media challenges, look
out for them and share them with
your networks. On notification of my appointment to CUOTC I was surprised how little is known of UOTCs beyond the military, sharing the great experience the
OCdts get while at university is worthy of wider awareness. As part of this we are working to build stronger links and understanding with the Universities, Colleges and other societies (notably most recently with the Cambridge University Long Range Rifle Club) both formally and informally, there is much we have in common focusing on the welfare, wellness and development of our OCdts.
The annual deployment exercise took place this summer in Northumberland on the Otterburn training area, perhaps better entitled the ‘Otterburn Stretch’
it tested OCdts and Staff alike with
long patrols over demanding ground but rewarded with sensational views.
A plethora of Adventure Training followed with a multi activity package
in Chamonix and then subsequent expeditions kayaking in Scotland, trekking in Sweden, and climbing in
the Dolomites and Czech Republic.
In addition, the Shooting team had a storming success at Bisley, winning the University Challenge Cup (which the LBVs first won in its inauguration year in 1852!) with five OCdts getting inside the top 50 shots in the Army Reserve,
Looking forwards, the Cambrian Patrol Team has been in training under
the watchful eye of Colour Sergeant Hughes, who is intent on the team going better than last year and achieving a Gold Medal, we wish them luck. As part of the build-up the team took part in a tactical crossing of the lake at Coldhams Lane, resulting in big smiles and some breathlessness as they swam their kit out to the Island. Planning is underway for the usual annual cycle of event including Ex LONDON BLUE in the New Year, providing the OCdts the opportunity
to visit parts of the city little seen and conducting some challenges along the way.
The pandemic is thankfully in the rear- view mirror and despite the seemingly never-ending fiscal constraints the CUOTC continues to go from strength to strength, driven by the enthusiasm of the OCdts and the passion and dedication of the Staff. I look forwards to welcoming you to the LBV Dinner on 25 Nov at Magdalene College, please join us if you can.
Lt Col Matt Helsby, RIFLES ‘By Learning You Will Lead’

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