Page 4 - Chiron Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 4

by Colonel Mark Morrison KHVS, Chief Veterinary and Remount Officer
The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III was, by any measure, an extraordinary occasion. That
RAVC was so actively involved in
the event, both on parade and enabling the mounted troops behind the scenes, was great to see, and I am delighted to read some of the personal experiences within these pages. I trust that all involved will have memories that last a lifetime.
Special though the Coronation was, it was not to my mind, the
high point of our Corps’ year. That distinction falls to the Book Launch Event for our new Corps History. Held at the National Army Museum, it was a worthy celebration of the Corps’ remarkable achievements over the last 60 years. With the Princess Royal and our Colonel Commandant in attendance,
along with serving members, old comrades, friends and families, it was a brilliant evening. The Princess Royal very gratefully received a copy of the history from the Author, our very own Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Chris Ham MBE. She seemed genuinely impressed by
the scale and scope of the work. On
behalf of the Corps, I would like to say a heart-felt thank you to both Chris and Kristy, our Regimental Secretary, for organising such a memorable and enjoyable evening. Equally, I would like our various Sponsors, without whom the event could not have happened.
Beyond the Coronation and the Book Launch, there have been plenty of other occasions that we have gathered as a Corps since the last edition of Chiron Calling. DATR hosted an
each year. This decision reflects, as much as anything, the increasing use of social media alongside Chiron Calling to communicate what members of the Corps are up to. By moving to a single edition, we hope to ensure the quality of both what
is published on social media and within Chiron Calling. I recognise that some may not use social media and that there is also a risk that material posted to social media will be more at risk of being ‘lost’ to
 excellent Corps
Reunion in
June, as well as
another hugely
enjoyable Open
Day in July.
Additionally, the
morning service
at the Royal Hospital Chelsea and the Corps’s support to Remembrance Day were important dates in the calendar. I remain enormously grateful to both RAVC Regiments,
as well as our serving soldiers,
for so actively supporting these events. They remain a vital part of maintaining our ethos and cohesion as a Corps.
You will perhaps have noted from the Editor’s comments that a decision has been made to reduce to a single edition of Chiron Calling
the historical record. To address this, I will be exploring the possibility
of producing a summary digest of all
social media that can be collated and distributed in a similar way to Chiron Calling.
As 2023 now draws to a close, I reflect on another memorable year that has seen the Corps as active as ever. Chiron Calling continues to show-case the hard work and quality of our serving soldiers. I remain constantly proud of their endeavour and the valuable role they play in support of our Armed Forces.
 “It was a worthy celebration of the Corps’ remarkable achievements over the last 60 years”
     The History of the Royal Army Veterinary Corps 1962 – 2021
By Lieutenant Colonel Chris Ham MBE RAVC Published by Crest Publications.
Available to buy now via the RAVC Regimental Secretary,
for further details email
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