Page 21 - ALG Issue 3 2023
P. 21

                                                                                                       Looking for creative plotholders to share their allotment art!
Perhaps you...
• Haveanartisticflair when it comes to decorating your shed
• Reuseeveryday items to decorate your plot
• Createartusingthe resources your allotment provides
• Useyourplotor garden for inspiration
• Or,maybeyourplot doubles as your art studio
YOU are a creative
plotholder, and we want to
hear from you!
Please tell us a bit about your allotment or garden creativity – and send over a few images for your fellow plotholders to see. You don’t have to write much! 200 – 500 words plus 3-4 large jpg images is perfect.
Email to
 Creativity on the Community
David has been part of the Cookham Community Allotment since it started in 2014. He did paintings in his leisure time before he joined but started to bring his hobby to the allotment too. Sometimes, especially when its warm weather, David opts out of the gardening and sits in the shade to draw our activities on different plots. He has done so well that he recently had a small exhibition of his paintings in the Day Centre, of the allotment and local scenes.
These are David’s own words: “Call me David Russell. I help at the Alfred Major Community Allotment on Saturdays and have a small plot where I grow herbs and also a couple of pots of daffodils. I also draw and watercolour the parts of the allotment, and I draw and watercolour parts of Cookham when I go for walks.
I also draw and paint and embellish Christmas cards and birthday cards.”
Since we are often the recipients of these individual cards, we are always keen to encourage David to paint and draw whenever he is in the mood to do so. He is our ‘artist in residence’ and we are very lucky to have him.
Becky Pinniger
          Don't forget your member offers...
your savings, benefits and discounts!
Newest member offers available at
The NAS are pleased to be able to provide our members with an extensive range of discounts and offers. Special deals have been negotiated on your behalf so that YOU can save money on growing your own fruit and veg on your allotment or garden.
Be sure to print out and distribute to your fellow members or include on your Society website... spread the word!
                                                    Allotment and Leisure Gardener 21
Don’t forget the significant members’ discount
on Kings Seeds!
Contact or call 01536 266576 to request a copy of the members’ catalogue.

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