Page 33 - ALG Issue 3 2023
P. 33

Bees are essential pollinators that play a critical role on an allotment and in our food system.
 Unfortunately, a lot of bee varieties are faced with several threats and the population is dwindling.
Habitat loss is one of the most significant threats facing bees. As we continue to develop land for agriculture and urbanisation, we’re taking away the places where bees live and forage for food.
Pesticides are also a major concern, as they can kill bees directly or indirectly by contaminating the plants they feed on.
Climate change is another issue affecting bees, as changes in temperature and weather patterns can disrupt their natural behaviours and life cycles.
There are several ways we can support them and protect their habitats.
One crucial step is to plant pollinator- friendly plants on our allotments. This provides bees with the food and shelter they need to thrive.
1. Lavender - This fragrant herb produces beautiful purple flowers that are irresistible to bees and pollinators.
2. Sunflowers - Sunflowers are not only beautiful to look at, but their large flower heads are a great source of food for bees.
3. Marigolds - Marigolds are easy to grow and produce bright, vibrant flowers that attract bees and other pollinators.
4. Rosemary - This fragrant herb produces small blue flowers that bees love.
5. Wildflowers - Planting a mix of native wildflowers is an excellent way to provide food and shelter for a variety of pollinators.
INTRODUCE COMPANION PLANTING TO YOUR ALLOTMENT Companion planting is a technique where different plants are grown together in a way that benefits each other. This method involves carefully selecting and planting compatible plant species in close proximity to one another with the goal of enhancing growth, deterring pests and improving soil health.
The concept of companion planting
is based on the idea that certain plants have natural affinities for each other and can help each other thrive in various ways. For example, some plants can attract beneficial insects or repel harmful pests, while others can enhance soil fertility or provide shade for neighbouring plants.
• Planting marigolds around tomato plants to repel nematodes
• Growing beans and peas together to fix nitrogen in the soil
• Planting herbs like basil or chives to repel pests
By carefully selecting plant combinations and using natural methods to promote growth and prevent pests, allotmenteers can create a more balanced and healthier ecosystem.
By choosing organic and pesticide-free products, we can also reduce the use of harmful chemicals that can harm bees.
The DEFRA National Pollinator Strategy is a great initiative that brings together
One crucial step is to plant pollinator- friendly plants on our allotments. This provides bees with the food and shelter they need to thrive.
various organisations, groups and individuals to work towards a common goal of protecting pollinators in the UK. By addressing the multiple challenges that pollinators face, such as habitat loss and pesticide use, this strategy offers a comprehensive approach to safeguarding these essential creatures.
One of the strengths of this strategy is its clear set of actions and targets, which are informed by scientific research and designed to achieve the best outcomes for pollinators. The targets are achievable and practical, focusing on promoting sustainable land management practices, reducing pesticide use, and increasing public awareness.
By promoting more sustainable land management practices, reducing pesticide use, and increasing public awareness, we can all work together to safeguard these essential creatures for generations to come.
Supporting local beekeepers is another great way to help bees. Adopting
a hive to buying honey, beeswax candles, and other products from local beekeepers helps support their work and encourages the growth of bee populations.
         Here are our top 3 favourite bee charities that are doing fantastic work to increase the quality and quantity of bee habitat.
Bumble Bee Conservation: https://www.
British Beekeeping Association: https://www.
Bee Farmers Ass:
Share with us your tips and advice to help these friendly creatures by emailing us on or tag us on social media.
Let’s do our part and help the bees!
Allotment and Leisure Gardener 33

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