Page 5 - ALG Issue 3 2023
P. 5

I hope you have had a busy time getting everything planted. I am a little bit behind but will soon catch up.
We are busy at the moment dealing with all the issues that are coming into the regions and are dealing with many problems. Head Office is busy with all the legal issues, so it seems that we are going to have a really busy year ahead.
Some good news: the NAS had an invite to the King’s Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on the 9th of May. Myself and my wife, Irene, went, and also Paul Howgill and his wife, Jean. The forecast said there would be rain, but
it was a great day and the rain held off. We did see some of the royals, but the
King and his Queen did not attend. The gardens are beautiful and there was plenty of seating with two bands for entertainment and plenty of food which was good – amazing sandwiches and cakes, tea and soft drinks.
We then had the Malvern Show preparations starting the next day and the show was from the 11th to the 14th of May. The weather there was mixed: very cold in the morning but hot in the afternoon. The final day was very foggy and overcast until the afternoon. The show was amazing, and the garden display we had was of a high standard. I would like to personally thank everyone for all their hard work and the valuable time which was given.
it seems
that we are going to have a really busy year ahead
This show enabled us to meet members from around the country and be able
to chat and spend time with them. The team were kept very busy throughout the show, so again thank you all for your hard work.
Wishing you all the best for the next few months ahead.
Tom Terrence
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• Gardeningadvice–memberscan sendintheirqueriestoDavidAllisonour Horticultural Advisor, and check out the monthlyjobsonourwebsitegrowing pages. Nationalallotmentsocietyandlinkwith other plotholders.
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                                     Allotment and Leisure Gardener 5

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