Page 53 - ALG Issue 3 2023
P. 53

                                        The Papillon Project
I was lucky enough to be invited to City Academy School on the outskirts of Norwich to meet Matt Willer, who is the founder of The Papillon Project.
Matt was a schoolteacher but gave up his full-time position to start the Papillon Project.
Matt said: “We are an educational charity that promotes sustainable living and environmental awareness for young people. It is our continued privilege
to work with secondary schools and sixth-form colleges in Norfolk to inspire young people to grow their own food for themselves and their local community. It is our very dedicated mission to help rehearse the next generation so they know how to grow their own food, so we can all start to live in a world that is greener and far more sustainable.”
This is the message that the charity promotes.
Matt has 30 ongoing projects at schools throughout Norfolk currently. His aim
is to help less confident children gain
their confidence and help children with mental health issues to overcome them.
Children are taught how to recycle, grow, and repair old tools. The vegetables which are grown on site are used in the school canteen, cookery lessons and by some local restaurants. Things that the school are disposing of get recycled by the project. Old tables are used to make raised beds and even a toilet which, whilst I was there, had rhubarb growing out of it!
Beds are labelled with descriptions of what is growing and information about the vegetable / fruit.
Matt informed me that he is working with pupil referral units and children that find school challenging.
The project has 50 volunteers across the county who offer experience and advice, but Matt and the project are looking for more volunteers and any help with old tools that can be recycled. They receive no funding and have to raise funds through various fundraising
Old tables are used to make raised beds and even a toilet which, whilst
I was there, had rhubarb growing out of it!
activities and recycle and reuse as much as they can.
The project deserves all the recognition it can get. Matt and his band of volunteers work tirelessly, and all the children appreciate all the hard work that is put in.
Find out more here: https://www.
Mark Vincent, Eastern Region
      Allotment and Leisure Gardener 53

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