Page 58 - ALG Issue 3 2023
P. 58

Terry Dickinson
07789 485331
Paula Owen
Alan Marsh
All counties of Wales
Chris Winwood
01443 816077
Granville Pitman
07901 561 582
 58 Allotment and Leisure Gardener
 Welcome to our new members...
Acton Gardening Association 6 Individuals
  London Regional Meeting, East London, 11th March
We had an excellent presence at the meeting, with one of our regular members in attendance and a significant number of London members joining us in Redbridge. The buffet lunch, expertly organised by our chairman and his incredibly busy wife, was a delightful treat for everyone after the proceedings.
While the London Committee never fails to be
interesting and enthusiastic, it was undeniable that the
real highlight of the meeting was the presence of Kings
Seeds. We were thrilled to welcome Managing Director
Tracy Palmer, and Horticultural Director Andrew Tokely.
Andrew, the talented author behind the ‘On the Kings
plot’ column in our very magazine, truly captured our
attention. chairman
London Regional Meeting, South London, 20th May
We extend a warm thank you to the Camberwell and District Allotments Association for kindly inviting us to South London and graciously hosting the meeting. They did an exceptional job, and their association’s four sites offer some of the most breathtaking views across London.
The meeting drew a remarkable turnout, with nearly every seat in the hall occupied. The main attraction was the visit and question and answer session with Neil Franklin, Managing Director of Chris Knott Insurance, who serves as the insurance broker to NAS. Many NAS Members rely on Chris Knott for their insurance needs, beyond just Allotmenteers Liability Insurance.
Insurance can be a complex field, but Neil tackled
all questions and enquiries brilliantly, delivering an illuminating and informative talk infused with good humour and professionalism. Any concerns about getting lost in the details were quickly dispelled thanks to the diligent Chair and exceptional speaker, who ensured a smooth and engaging session.
One key point that emerged was the reassurance that if anyone has an insurance worry or query, they can simply reach out to Chris Knott via phone or email, where they are guaranteed a listening ear and understanding audience.
Terry Dickinson
London Regional Representative
    The official proceedings concluded swiftly (even ahead of schedule), which is quite a feat in the world of allotments. This allowed ample time for Andrew to deliver a captivating and enlightening demonstration of seed sowing and pricking out. His presentation, as well as the subsequent discussions, were filled with invaluable wisdom and practical advice (remember to use seed compost for sowing and avoid watering with ‘dirty’ water butt rainwater). Everyone in attendance had the opportunity to learn or relearn something useful, making the morning a resounding success.
We acknowledge our good fortune in being relatively close to Kings’ base, and we highly recommend that other branches consider arranging a visit from them. The experience is truly worthwhile!
and his incredibly busy wife, was a delightful treat for everyone
The buffet lunch, expertly organised by our
   Welcome to our new members...
Ederyrnion Allotments& Community Growers Llangattock Area Community
Allotment Society
Twmpath Allotment Association
3 Individuals
1 Landowner
Llanharan Community Community Llanharan Community Council

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