Page 3 - Jigsaw October 2018
P. 3

As we approach the 100th Anniversary of WW1, we feature another local, John James Rogers 1894 – 13th October 1918
 He was an enthusiastic bellringer at St. James Church. As a mark of respect, the Thrapston Bellringers rang, with bells half muffled, 720 Oxford Bob and 360 Plain Bob. He is remembered in the The Central Council Memorial Book of Church Bell-Ringers Who Fell in the Great War 1914-1918 in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, on page 24.
The full mini-biography can be found in “In the Springtime of their Lives”
ISBN 978-0-9563642- 0-3
Eric Franklin & Eddie Sewell
   Picture as printed in the Kettering Leader on Friday 15th Nov 1918
Delsaux Farm Cemetery Grave I. E. 21
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  The Central Council Memorial Book of Church Bell-Ringers Who Fell in the Great War 1914-1918
 If you would like anything to be included in the November issue of Jigsaw, send it to: Editorial: by 28th September 2018. Advertising: by 2nd October 2018. Distribution: Jigsaw will be delivered on 20th October 2018.
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