Page 42 - Cadet review Summer 2022
P. 42

 Cadet Sgt Emily Bone
One of my favourite activities will have to have been the visit to the working dogs, as we were shown what each of the dogs were capable of in addition
to getting the chance to meet them all at the end of the demonstrations. I also enjoyed visiting 2 Yorks as we got a hands on experience with their weapons systems and equipment. This was made even more memorable when we were shown how to do NSPs and then allowed practice it ourselves. Overall,
my favourite activity would have to have been the fieldcraft exercise as we were in an environment where we could actually use cover and left and right flank properly. We also had the experience of blank firing which made the exercise much more realistic. I was very pleased to have been selected as Section Commander so I was in command of how my section attacked the enemy, as well as being responsible for delivering the section battle orders.
I also enjoyed the down time in the evenings after training, as we could socialise with people from other companies, whether that included going to
the NAAFI or going swimming at the heated outdoor pool. Even though we had early starts in the morning the adults and cadets never failed to make us laugh.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the trip and would highly recommend any cadet to go on the trip if they can in the future, as it is definitely a fantastic opportunity to expand on the cadet experience.
the trip was amazing and I would definitely recommend doing trips like this if you get the chance, it’s a once in
a lifetime opportunity that you wouldn’t be able to do if it wasn’t for cadets!
   Cadet LCpl Megan Livingstone
The Cyprus trip was great! We got the opportuni- ties to do so many fun activities I would have never thought to have done like the towed inflatable
ride when we went to the beach. The trip gave
the chance to meet new people that I would have never met otherwise, everyone was so friendly, the idea that I wouldn’t have known anyone as I came from a different county was scary but everyone was so welcoming towards me. My favourite part of the trip was seeing the working dog’s unit and being able to meet the different dogs and seeing the roles that they can play in certain situations, getting to watch them do the demonstrations of their jobs was so interesting to see. It was good when we got to go for a group meal to have some down time with everyone and to enjoy the local cuisine. I also really enjoyed the day at the beach getting to have some more relaxed time to have fun with the people you had met, the tour on the speedboat was great getting to see the different beaches around the island and getting to hear some background of where we were staying was fun too. Overall, the trip was amazing and I would definitely recommend doing trips like this if you get the chance, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity that you wouldn’t be able to do if it wasn’t for cadets!

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