Page 38 - ALG Issue 4 2020
P. 38

Northumberland, Cumbria and Durham
Glen March
0191 3866291
Mike Brannigan
0191 649 2542
   Northern Region Representative six- month report: up to the end August 2020
It is with great sadness and regret I must inform members of the sad passing of Neal Storey, Chair of the Northern Branch.
Neal was not only the Chair of the Northern Branch but a good friend. I have some great memories of going out to sites with Neal to sort problems out or just a site visit to drum up new members. He always had a good rapport with the members and could calm a situation, listening to both sides of the argument.
Neal was a simple man who would call in for a pint or fish and chips when visiting sites; if he got into somebody’s shed when out visiting – that was it, he just loved the crack. I often had to tell him it was time to go. When he took a case on, he saw it through to the end like a dog with a bone, not letting go.
Neal was always there at the end of the phone when needed and would drop everything if a problem occurred. If you needed anything, from water butts for your allotment or advice on a problem with your car (he was a mechanic), Neal was the first port of call.
Sadly missed.
John Monkhouse
Treasurer, Northern Branch Chair Smithfield Road Allotments Darlington
National management committee postponed all NAS face-to-face meetings in mid-March following Government COVID guidelines. The NAS administration then quickly adapted
to the alternative of online Zoom meetings, of which there have been 10 meetings held remotely up to the end of August.
Matters considered at the meetings have included COVID advice and regular web updates, the new allotmenteers members insurance scheme, a potential ban on peat products advertising, the revised arrangements for National Allotments Week and future drought risk management advice and leaflets for allotments. In addition, new and exciting projects have commenced involving the digital mapping of all town and parish council allotment sites and work to enable applications to sponsors for external funding. I am also pleased to advise that the financial reports to the committee show that the organisation is holding up well during the pandemic crisis. As your regional representative, I have been available on screen at all the meetings and ensuring the opinion of the north is voiced.
The Regional Panel has now lost
two key officials following the sad passing of the Chairman and ill health of the Secretary – both important posts responsible for the leadership and communications of the panel. Consequently, these functions within the panel will be provided temporarily
by the Regional Representative and Northern Mentor until such time as an annual general meeting can be arranged and new officials appointed.
There have been two Zoom remote meetings of the regional panel held
to deal with matters of concern, but realistically most promotional activities in the form of shows, talks and events have been cancelled until further notice.
Most member enquiries continue to
be handled by email, and requests
for socially distanced site meetings only agreed where essential. Up to
the end of July, local support was provided to 17 individual members/ potential members, five allotment associations and four councils. The main nature of the enquiries related
to COVID, people looking for allotment plots, the information needed to form associations, personal disputes and site complaints. Many northern members also sought COVID advice and guidance via the National website and direct from Head Office.
As we now begin to emerge from the COVID total lockdown, care still has to be taken to avoid a resurgence of infections this autumn/winter and so current restrictions on meetings and availability of local services are being maintained to reduce risks to all.
Keep safe and stay cheerful.
Glen March, Northern Region Representative
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