Page 34 - QARANC Vol 15 No 1 2017
P. 34

                                 Cenotaph 13th November 2016 –
A Personal View
13 November 2016 saw the coming together once again of veterans from far and wide for the Cenotaph parade to remember those that gave their lives for us.
I took part in the Cenotaph many years ago whilst serving in the QARANC and stood with pride and admiration as the veterans marched past, never once imagining that I would one day be in their shoes.
The sense of pride you get from just being there soaking up the atmosphere is indescribable but, to be a part of it, is honestly mind-blowing. It is an experience everyone should be a part of if only once. I was full of so many emotions my head was spinning. It’s humbling, sad, inspirational and sombre, all at the same time.
Jan Foster & Gaynor Morris
Officers and other ranks all come together and the camaraderie with all the other veterans was wonderful. It doesn’t matter if you were never brilliant at marching or that you are not able to march, someone will volunteer to push you in a wheelchair!
I have taken part for three years and
there is nothing quite like it. It makes you proud to be British and proud that our country continues to value so highly those that died for us.
Lest we forget.
Jan Foster Association Member

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