Page 11 - ALG Issue 3 2019
P. 11

...September, October, November
   As crops are lifted, continue to clear the soil of weeds and lightly fork over any vacant soil; it will pay dividends later.
If sown early enough in the month, a hardy over-wintering green manure will help to suppress weeds and improve soil.
Greenhouses will need to be ventilated much later in the day and closed up by early evening to trap the warmth in and help to finish ripening the last of the tomatoes. Remove shading from the greenhouse to allow in all possible light.
• Reducedampingdown operations gradually and stop by the middle of the month.
• Sowsomepotsof French beans for growing on over winter in the greenhouse – dwarf varieties are best for this.
• Finishharvestingall tomatoes and begin to clear away summer crops.
• Clearallsummercrops away, and if possible, give the greenhouse
a thorough clean
down, inside and out, especially if the house is to be used for any over-wintering of plants or crops.
• Liftsomemintroots and pot up for forcing in the greenhouse.
if possible, give the green- house a thorough clean down, inside and out
             Inspect any stored produce regularly, removing anything that looks like it is going bad before it can spread.
A hardy variety of peas can be sown in a sheltered place if you live in a warm sheltered location. Broad beans can also be sown now for an early crop, though on plots where the soil is heavy and moisture retentive, these may be better sown in pots indoors before hardening off and planting out.
Broad beans can also be sown now for an early crop
• Potupchivesfor forcing.
• Keepawatchoverany plants or crops that are being over-wintered. Remove any dead material, as these can soon lead to fungal problems.
     Allotment and Leisure Gardener 11

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