Page 39 - ALG Issue 3 2019
P. 39

     new IT system will also support the activities of our regions and member associations; over the next 12 months this potential will be analysed, implemented and rolled out.
• Communication – we will be focusing on communicating with our grassroots in the coming year and aim to reach as many plotholders as possible; we are presently exploring options.
• Recruitment and retention of members is our final focus and an important part of forthcoming strategic planning”.
Treasurers Report: Liz Bunting then introduced Jeff Davies, the recently co-opted Treasurer for the Society. Jeff introduced himself and explained that he had spent his working life in finance. Jeff also thanked Dave Morris, the previous Treasurer, and Liz McInally from H.O. for her support in bringing him up to speed.
Jenny Scaldwell from MacIntyre Hudson accountants explained some points from the accounts, apologising for their late arrival due to a delay with HSBC bank. Jenny went through some of the increased costs, which included the completion of the extension, legal costs and computers. The amount showing for creditors was due to staggered membership payments. Investment returns should improve once present turbulent situations
are resolved – investments are with Barclays and HSBC. Jenny then responded to questions about the accounts.
Q Have we thought about moving investments?
A Reviewed on a regular basis but now is not a good time to make changes.
Q Do we consider ethical policies of banks we use?
A We do talk to HSBC about this aspect and it will be looked at again.
Q Is the £32,000 investment in the Allotmenteer’s Liability Insurance (ALI) sustainable?
A It is hoped that it will eventually become self-financing by increasing membership and commission. Jeff Davis pointed out that, even if this is not achieved, the cost can be sustained from the accounts.
Q Will the ALI be reviewed?
A Yes after 3 years. John Irwin pointed out that it has led to an increase in membership and the number of affiliates signing up.
• The Inspected Accounts year ended
31 January 2019 were accepted – proposed Peter Fowler, seconded Ron Jones
• MacIntyre Hudson were appointed again as accountants – proposed Mick Merrill, seconded Neil Dixon
• An Independent Review rather than full audit was accepted – proposed Neil Dixon, seconded Ian Crawford
John Irwin, Regional Representative for the North West was elected for a further 3 years.
Professor Ron Jones was elected to the Governance Committee for a further 2 years.
Mick Merrill from the West Midlands Region was awarded the Honorary Life Vice President appointment.
Jeff Barber from the London region was presented with the Jim Tandy Award for his sterling work creating the new London region and working with the board to update the Society’s rules and procedures.
Steve Clements from the South East region and Alan Hull from the North West region were awarded for their
Lunch was followed by talks from Shield Vantage Insurance, Kings Seeds and GET Internet Services
dedication and commitment to the Society over many years.
Lunch was followed by talks from Shield Vantage Insurance, Kings Seeds and GET Internet Services.
Chris explained that the concept
behind any insurance is the principle
of transferring risk to the insurer, so that in the event of an incident you will be put back into the position you would have been in, and Shield pay out on over 95% of claims. Liability Insurance covers the cost of your negligence (what the law considers is careless action). We all have a duty of care to others and if you are in breach of that then that is considered negligent. There are many potential risks on an allotment site: tools, electricity, paving, chemicals etc. and as a landlord an association must act reasonably and make the site safe; you must also be aware of additional risks to vulnerable people who visit and need special care. There are 6 tests
in law for negligence; Did you have a duty of care - were you in breach of that? Did you know about the risk? Was injury as a direct breach of that risk? Was the event foreseeable? Were there any intermediate causes? Have you been careful? Chris stressed that it is important to record everything so that you can demonstrate duty of care; this means regular risk assessments, an accident book and record of decisions in meeting minutes. Shield insurance will cover defence costs if you are blamed as the result of injury and pay the award.
Chris advised associations to check their lease for indemnity clauses; this means that you will compensate the landlord if he is sued as a result of an event on site. Lawyers will sue whoever they can get the most money from.
If the landlord is not named on the
          Allotment and Leisure Gardener 39

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