Page 45 - ALG Issue 4 2018
P. 45
Road, Irlam
– Allotment
Salford Allotment Federation held a public meeting in July 2013 at the local Methodist schoolroom to suggest regenerating the allotment site at Addison Rd, Irlam that had not been used for over 30 years. All nine residents who attended the meeting stated that they were interested in becoming tenants and a committee was formed.
Clearing of the site was carried out by
the Salford Probation Community Payback teams; the Supervisor was employed by the Manchester College who were running an OCN course in horticulture. A constitution and bank account were organised to allow the committee to apply for funding for what they required.
Don Booth,
Chair, Salford Allotment Federation
Addison Road Allotments
– update 1st September 2018
Situated on the outskirts of Irlam, Addison Road Allotments is now fast becoming a thriving vegetable patch!
The site was abandoned 30 years ago, allowing the weeds to take over. Garages were then put on the site, but once again left derelict, thus prompting several keen veg growers to get the site reinstated back to the purpose it was intended. Help was needed to begin the regeneration,
as there were no facilities. Two charitable organisations came to our rescue, the Lottery and H.D.T. Their funding provided us with our meeting hut, toilet and a 10,000 litre water container. H.D.T has also provided more funding which has been spent on developing a roadway between the plots, which will make access
easier when work begins on Phase Two. When completed this area should have another fifteen plots bringing the total number of plots to 38 plus.
The Allotment Committee have been doing their bit by recycling an old garage and turning it into a secure tool shed;
they have also bought eight 1,000 litre water containers which are placed at
easy access points around the site. Other storage facilities are underway to make life that little bit easier for plotholders.
One of our plotholders is Local Artist James Mathers (Jim) whose work is well known in the area – available to view on Facebook. To brighten up the big water tank, Jim (literally) painted it with flowers and vegetables. He is also painting
personalised plot numbers on slate, which is very interesting when walking around the site.
A recent welcome addition to the allotments has been our own beehive, provided by beekeeper Paul Lowndes. Paul gave a talk to our plotholders who
at first had concerns regarding stings, swarms etc. Paul addressed their concerns, and everyone was happy to have the bees on site. Paul has since said the bees have settled in very quickly.
There is still a long way to go, but with the help of our volunteers we will get there in the end.
Dave Lever,
Chair, Addison Rd Allotments
Revidge Allotments Association Annual Show and BBQ
On Sunday 2nd September we held our umpteenth Annual show and BBQ.
Unlike last year when it rained from start to finish, the weather was set fair. All entries were in by 11.30am and our 92-year-old judge and expert gardener, Norman, arrived eager to check out the produce. Despite this year’s weather
challenges of extreme cold, wet, heat and drought, the produce was exceptional and Norman commented: “Better than last year”.
The event acts both as a showcase and a thank you to all our plotholders. The competition categories range from heaviest onion to longest bean, best jam,
and best chutney. The BBQ is free and many plotholders bring along salads and cakes to supplement the sausages, halal and veggie burgers. It was a great day and a tradition that is set to continue.
Kath Knowles, Secretary, Revidge Allotments Association