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                                 YNW ACF
Congratulations to B Company's SSI Graham Wilkinson, who was awarded his Cadet Forces Medal on Saturday 13th April 2024.
The medal is awarded to recognise 12 years of service by Adult Instructors of the UK Cadet Forces. The presentation was made by the County Commandant, Colonel Hugh Gell, who, coincidentally, was SSI Wilkinson's Officer Commanding when he joined the ACF!
   SMI Karl Methven and Major Chrissy Massey of B Company congratulated SSI Wilkinson on his award
 SSI Wilkinson receiving his medal from the Commandant
B Company FTX Weekend
What a great time was had by all involved in B Company's FTX! Taking place on the Strensall Training Area during April, cadets from across the Company's nine detachments learned about skills such building bashas, creating a
harbour area and making meals using issued ration packs. They also improved their teamwork skills by practicing how to patrol in groups and operate within a fire team.
For many, these FTX weekends are the embodiment of the cadet experience, and these happy faces are surely evidence of this!

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