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                                in their own right. As I pass on command, I do so with confidence in the knowledge that South and West Yorkshire Wing is stronger, more dynamic, and more prepared to face the future than ever before. My heart is full of gratitude for the opportunity to serve, to lead, and to be a part of this extraordinary community.
The memories I take with me are priceless. To all the cadets and staff, past and present, I say thank you. You have been the source of my inspiration, and it has been my profound honour to serve as your Wing Commander.
As I bid farewell to the Wing I am filled with immense pride and confidence as Wing Commander Katherine Barton takes the helm. Her dedication and vision are beacons that will guide the Wing through an ever changing future. I wish her all the success and good fortune in her new role, knowing that the future of our cadets is in the most capable hands."
Wing Commander Daniel takes up his new
role as Headquarters Air Cadets Staff Officer
with responsibility as Overseas Project Officer - International Air Cadet Exchange with immediate effect. The Wing expresses its deepest gratitude to Wing Commander Daniel for his service and wishes him all the best in his future role.
Wing Commander Barton brings a wealth of experience to the role. Her journey with the RAFAC began in 2001 when she joined 2527 (Lawnswood) Squadron as a cadet, where she progressed
to the rank of Flight Sergeant prior to starting medical school at the age of 18. Her passion for the organisation led her to become a Civilian Instructor and to prepare to apply for a commission she transferred to 185 (Batley) Squadron in 2009 as the Training Officer. She was commissioned aged 21 and became Officer Commanding 185 (Batley) Squadron two years later. Her commitment and leadership potential were quickly recognised and this, together with with her expertise in adventure
The Royal
Air Force Air Cadets plays a vital role
in shaping young lives, fostering life skills and instilling
a sense of community into our young people
training, was acknowledged with her appointment as Wing Adventure Training Technical Officer (WATTO) in 2017. She was promoted to Squadron Leader in 2019 and became a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
In her role as WATTO, she made a significant impact within the Wing, being instrumental in running successful week-long adventure training camps offered to both cadets and staff, in addition
to significantly expanding the types and frequency of adventure training activities offered across the Wing. She spearheaded an expansion of training opportunities for staff in specialist adventure training subjects, ensuring they possessed the necessary skills and qualifications to deliver a truly enriching adventure training programme. This focus on staff development has further strengthened the Wing’s ability to offer cadets the best possible experience. She also established the National Indoor Climbing Award scheme within RAFAC through setting up the first centre at North Region HQ.
In civilian life she works as an Obstetrics and Gynaecology Senior Registrar within an NHS hospital and enjoys expedition medicine; most recently travelling to Guatemala to support the remote Mayan tribes in the Jungle in August 2023.
Wing Commander Barton said "Wing Commander Brian Daniel's departure marks the end of an era and his 16 years of service in the role are commendable. On behalf of the entire Wing, I extend our gratitude to him for his commitment, leadership, and profound contributions to our Wing. We wish him all the best in his new role."
“I am honoured to be appointed Officer Commanding,” she continued. “The Royal Air Force Air Cadets plays a vital role in shaping young lives, fostering life skills and instilling a sense of community into our young people. I look forward to working with the dedicated staff and cadets across the Wing, to ensure we continue to offer exceptional opportunities for personal growth and development of our young people and staff alike. Together, we will navigate
the exciting possibilities that lie ahead, ensuring
the Wing continues to thrive in the years to come. It
is a huge privilege to be selected for this role and I
am very excited to help shape the future of the wing in collaboration with our fantastic volunteers and cadets.”

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