Page 19 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2020/21
P. 19

                                   Pumpkin Blaze F1
are only 60cm high so again very useful in containers or raised beds. ‘Proval’ can withstand bad weather and is resistant to mosaic virus.
Squash Patty Pan ‘Greendisc’F1 produces compact plants with fruits that can be used like courgettes when small or allowed to grow larger and then stuffed and baked.
As I said in the previous Simply Vegetables chilli growing seems to be trendy and Suttons have added chilli pepper ‘Longhorn’ to the many existing cultivars. This pepper produces long curled fruits hence its name, which are spicy and is high yielding. The plants can grow up to a metre high and need a support. For those of you interested the SHU (Scoville heat unit) is 15 to 20,000, which is not as high as it seems!
Brussels Sprouts ‘Brodie’F1 is said to have a mild non-bitter taste which may suit people who are not keen on sprouts. It is an early cultivar ready form September to December so ideal for Christmas and the sprouts are said to stay fresh on the plants for months.
Marshalls Seeds who are also good supporters of the NVS have a new aubergine called ‘Genie’ which is spine free so making picking easier (it’s amazing how often I
catch the spines when picking and there
are not that many of them!). It can be grown in greenhouses and sunny patios and produces fat purple fruit.
Another new tomato is ‘Orange Wellington’ an orange fruited beefsteak type which is nearly seedless. Like D.T.Brown and Dobies Marshalls are introducing tomato ‘Veranda Red’ F1, they obviously all rate it highly so should be worth a try. A new chilli is ‘Mirch Masala’ which is a medium hot chilli with red fruits on erect plants.
Sweetcorn ‘Café’ is an early cultivar producing yellow kernels with a sweet flavour and said to perform well in lower soil temperatures which could be important in certain parts of the U.K. where the soil
Sweetcorn Picasso F1
temperature can be slow to warm up. Leek ‘Odrin’ is bolt resistant and has a
good winter hardiness with good yields, the leaves are blue-green colour and of an upright habit.
Marshalls are introducing two peas, one ‘Sugar Lace’F1 I described above in Dobies introductions the other pea is ‘Utrillo’ a late cultivar with dark green pods and foliage. The pods are large and have up to 10 peas per pod so should be good yielding. The dark green leaves would look nice in salads or grown as pea shoots.
Tomato Veranda Red
Moreveg is one of the smaller seed companies and has a kale useful for growing as baby leaves called ‘Red Ruble’ which
has dark wine red serrated leaves and as a baby leaf is ready in 6 weeks. It can be sown indoors all the year round and outdoors during the summer. Cut to use at 5cm tall or outdoors they can be grown as a come and cut again vegetable if sown in succession.
Courgette ‘Sunstripe’F1 is a British bred yellow courgette with white stripes which should stand out on the show bench even though more yellow courgettes are being
Another name with connections to the NVS is Robinsons Seeds well known for their mammoth onions. They have a new pea called ‘Tom Thumb’ and is claimed to be the most compact
pea available growing to
just 25cm high. This will be very suitable for container growing or raised beds and could be grown on a patio
or other small area. There is no excuse not to grow a few vegetables now, even just at the back of the house. It is quick to grow and needs no support.
Marshalls Seeds who are also good supporters of the NVS have a new aubergine called ‘Genie’ which is spine free so making picking easier
shown these days (well before Covid!). The plants are compact and produce 20 to 24 courgettes per plant. Continuing with the cucurbits Moreveg have pumpkin ‘Casperita’F1 producing creamy white fruits growing to 12 to 14cm diameter weighing approx. 750gms.
It fruits from the crowns so are small plants suitable for small gardens or container growing.
Lettuce ‘Bountiful Blend’ is a mix or lettuce types and cultivars that can be grown as cut and come again or for picking leaves or young hearts. There is a mix of
 Robinsons also have two
new radish, the first being
‘Red Moon’F1 which has a red skin with rose pink flesh and a mild flavour. It can be used in stir-fry or salads and should be sown in late summer, a time when space often becomes available on the plot and making use of it. The other radish is ‘Blue Moon’F1 that has a bluish skin and flesh which would look good on the show bench or in displays, it is grown as ‘Red Moon’F1.
Tomato ‘Pear Drop’ has a yellow pear shaped fruit on bush plants and said to be ideal for containers.
colours so look attractive in salads.
Select seeds is run by David Thornton and
his wife, as many members will know David has strong connections with the NVS and is a keen and good exhibitor so he knows what to look for in new cultivars.
Dwarf French Bean ‘Stanley’ this bean has light green pods up to 13cm long and is high yielding, it also has resistance to halo blight and anthracnose.
There are not many new cabbage coming on to the market, one is ‘Rigoletto’F1 which
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 Simply Vegetables 19

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