Page 9 - Engage Summer 2023
P. 9

          Our End of Life Team,
providing care.
Sounds like a rock band! What it really is, is End of the Road. END OF LIFE
Extra Help – exactly what it says - This is the brilliant team I am part of.
Who sets out to work
surrounded by death? Those who care that is who. No day in the team is the same, Working with that endless ball of string that is life. Only the string we deal with has a visible end.
Each carer is a vessel who at
the start of a visit is full,
At the end they are empty. Sounds depressing – nowhere near true. They say four seasons in one day, How about every emotion is one visit?
The team was born in 2010; I was there! I expected lots of tears, what I got was a huge amount of laughter.
To be surrounded by death and the dying is a privilege of life.
To be invited into a family’s raw emotional time is humbling.
To help guide, comfort and support is priceless.
Those of us who deal with this constantly every day also need understanding, support and a team who
care for each other.
The thank you from those we help is uplifting.
The overall memories are the characters we have met, The diversity of life,
The lives lived. Challenges faced by those we help. At the end of
Susan Coats
Extra Help, End of Life Team
 Our values
We are a friendly, professional team of 30 carers who are passionate about providing care to support individuals and their families at home at a vulnerable time. You can trust us to be compassionate and understanding whilst providing quality patient-focused care adapted to individual patient needs. We are proud of our service and feel privileged to work with patients who are in the last eight weeks of life. Between us we work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Whilst providing care, the Extra Help Team promises to be compassionate, trustworthy, professional, friendly and supportive.
A poem by one of the team perhaps expresses it best of all...
 The care is wonderful, and they are lovely people.
Last year we provided over 18,500 hours of care to over 300 people.
            The team looked after Sam Dobbs’ father in 2022, he said: “In church and work life, which exposes me to death and bereavement regularly, I have a mantra that for the living we can ask but for two things of the inevitability that death brings: firstly, that we all die loved, and secondly that we can have a good death. Because of the
Age UK Northamptonshire team, Dad died loved – because we were allowed to put in second place the practical things and leave them to you, leaving first place to our relationships with him. Because of the
Age UK Northamptonshire team, he died a good death.”
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