Page 4 - QARANC Vol 14 No 6 2013
P. 4

                                2 QARANC THE GAZETTE
 DANS Foreword
Much has happened since I wrote my last foreword to the Gazette and the Army continues to wrestle with considerable turbulence against a backdrop of unremitting fiscal and operational pressure.
I never cease to be impressed with and humbled by the resilience and fortitude with which members of our Corps face up to the uncertainty that is an enduring feature of modern Service life. We have seen considerable success in the career progression of a large number of members of the Corps and I am delighted to report that the first Defence Professor of Nursing is the newly promoted Colonel Alan
Finnegan L/QARANC. The Defence Medical Services 2020 review has now reported and the Regular and Reserve QARANC will see changes in shape and size emerging from that review, this also provides me with the long-awaited opportunity to conduct a structural review of the Corps. Our performance on deployed operations continues to attract justifiably high praise and I am hugely proud of what all Army Nurses and Healthcare Assistants continue to achieve. There is absolutely no doubt that we will continue to face considerable challenges both from internal and external sources and I will continue to vigorously defend
and represent the interests of Army Nursing wherever it is required. I very much appreciate the support that I have received from serving and retired members of the Corps both Regular and Reserve and am certain that I can continue to count on you all as we tackle the challenges of the future.
In closing I am extremely pleased to be able to announce that Colonel Rosie Kennedy has agreed to continue in her role as Colonel Commandant for an additional year, she has been a superb ambassador for the Corps and I am delighted that we will continue to benefit from her Service.
  Chairman’s Message
 Front cover picture:
Col Pete Childerley QHN presenting prizes to Lt Col Suzy Greenwood and Lt Col Tessa Grieves RRC at the inter services nursing tennis tournament.
Hard to believe that this is the 13th message I have composed since taking over as Chairman of the Association in 2006. I felt that this was an opportune moment to re-itrate what the Association can provide for its members. Whilst there is a great deal of comfort and support that can be given by individuals as well as within the Branches, the main area I would like to focus on for this edition of the Gazette is the financial support that can be provided.
For those in need - whether that is to help with the purchase of white goods when leaving the service; assisting in the easing of immediate debt - often Council Tax arrears or utility bills or providing the funds for the purchase of
specific items such as an orthopaedic bed - it doesn’t matter whether you are serving or retired, many of our members have needed our help. On average our yearly grants for benevolence range between £50,000 - £60,000.
For serving members - in addition to the financial need detailed above, we can also help with the personal costs of Adventurous Training, representative sport or unit activities. BUT we cannot provide if we do not know about the need or requirement. The Association exists to provide assistance to ALL members of the Corps - past and present - so don’t be afraid or reluctant to call on us. PLEASE.
Lesley Wright
  Overview from the Editor
Hello well this is my first edition as the Editor of The QA Gazette, for the past 33 years I have probably missed 1 or two copies and have always looked forward to seeing what was going on in the Corps, in the branches and with our regular and TA units. I know some of you think it is a slabbable(made up word!!) offence to have your picture in the Gazette! Rubbish! it’s your Gazette and it is only as good as the article you send me, everyone of which will be of interest to someone, also remember you will adding to our Corps history and it is a great way for your friends and colleagues old and new to keep up with what you are up too.
Wow! I did not realise quite how much work and time it took to produce a Gazette the biggest worry always being will you all find it interesting? will I get enough articles and did I really make those mistakes!!
Hopefully you will enjoy reading this edition, and it will encourage you to submit more article maybe try your hand at parachuting or snowboarding or anyone of the different sports or Expeds contributors have taken part in.
I would also be interested in you submitting your abstracts, there are a lot of you writing dissertations getting good results and passing your degrees, then all that hard work ends up in a draw, your work could be a reference for others embarking on their latest study.
The end of the years has seen a lot of things happen with Christmas celebrations and unit get together’s The reminiscence from retired members and being able to represent your Corps and yourself at various events such as the BACCN award ceremony and the RTG.
Pat Gibson MBE

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