Page 24 - Oundle Life Issue 1
P. 24

                                                  “How did Covid change us?”
we will ask in the future
The Methodist Church does not usually change overnight, but we have completely changed.
We have come to value our life together and increased our pastoral care. We have met only twice (in Covid-secure conditions) since March. Our weekly worship is professionally prepared, delivered by email, fine-tuned to our taste and forwarded to the congregation, so has reached house-bound and mobile equally. We have worshipped at a time to suit us and can re-read the service during the week. We have invited a different preacher each week to maintain links with our Methodist Circuit. We have “Joys and Concerns” to share news of our community.
A ‘socially distanced’ Covid-safe worship centre
Oundle Methodist Church, Drummingwell Lane
(Thinking of positives for prayers of thanks as well as negatives for prayers for solutions.) The Food Bank has adjusted its procedures.
What after Covid? We now have online worship in our Circuit Plan as a separate church. Does church only mean Sunday Worship? WHAT shall we plan and HOW shall we meet - small groups for discussion? In homes or in church? Covid has pressed “RESET”!
To join us as we shape our future, or for our email service, contact:
Self-catering cottage accommodation near Lutton
01832 272583

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