Page 10 - Oundle Life June 2023
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                                   in the 30 Days Wild challenge wherever you are in the UK! We need nature more than ever and 30 Days Wild is a chance to really celebrate our connection to the precious green and blue spaces both on our doorstep and further afield. Whether you’ve a legendary forest a short train ride away, or a young sapling in your
local park that is primed to be the Tree
of the Year 2523; whether you turn
down the tunes on your next jog in
favour of nature’s wild beats, or head
to your nearest coastline to explore
the rhythms in the rock pools and the
sounds of the sand dunes; whatever
you choose to do, there are limitless opportunities to dive into this 30 day adventure. However much time you
can spare each day there’s always an opportunity to take part, whatever your
age. Please get involved and tell all your family and friends to join in too!”
Jo Richards, head of communications at The Wildlife Trusts, says: “The Wildlife Trusts’ 30 Days Wild challenge in June has to be one of the highlights of my year! What better an excuse
to go out and enjoy the UK’s great outdoors, which is simply buzzing with nature’s activities, whether it be wildflowers blooming, butterflies fluttering or skylarks bouncing up and down.
I love the challenge of making myself set aside
at least five minutes a day for thirty days in a row to encounter something new in nature or perhaps take a little longer to do something that’ll help wildlife where I live. 30 Days Wild is always a big hit, but I hope that even more people will join us this year to bask in the glory
  30 Days Wild is always a big hit, but I hope that even more people will join us this year
of our wonderful wildlife.”
30 Days Wild – Big Wild Weekend:
To help motivate you on this journey, we’ve enlisted the help of our friends David Oakes and Sophie Pavelle for the Big Wild Weekend on 18th June.
David Oakes continues: “Come and join me and the glorious Sophie Pavelle on the Big Wild Weekend. If you love nature, join us via YouTube on Sunday evening, the 18th June, for fun and games with the Wildlife Trusts Big Wild Quiz. Come along to be top of the
pollinators or just tune in to be entertained by the incredible and fascinating world of bison, beavers, bees, beetles and bats! Other wildlife species are available. I can’t wait to see you then.”
   The Wildlife Trusts provide free resources for everyone who signs up. Just register your interest here...
Image credit: © Jonathan Mitchell
Image credit: © Jon Hawkins Surrey Hills Photography

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