Page 34 - Oundle Life June 2023
P. 34

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225g butter, softened
225g caster sugar
Grated zest of 1 lemon
4 large eggs, beaten
225g self-raising flour
100g white chocolate chips
175g fresh raspberries, cut into quarters
Filling and icing:
200g white chocolate chips 250ml double cream
Fresh or freeze dried raspberries, optional Meringue kisses
Fresh or crystallised edible flowers (not ones that have been sprayed with insecticide!) such as primroses, violets or violas
Icing sugar
1. Cream the butter, sugar and lemon zest together until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in the eggs. Then fold in the flour, white chocolate chips and raspberries. Divide the mixture between two 20cm buttered and
lined cake tins.
2. Place the cake tins on the oven grid shelf set
on the baking oven floor for 30-40 minutes,
until the cakes have risen, golden and cooked.
3. Let the cakes cool for about 10 minutes then
remove them from the tins and place them on
a cake cooling rack to go completely cold.
4. Meanwhile, make the filling and icing, a white
chocolate ganache. Place the white chocolate chips into a bowl with 100ml of the double cream. Melt together on the warming plate or at the back of the AGA. When melted remove from the heat, beat together and cool for 15 minutes, then beat in the rest of the cream. This icing is easy flowing and will benefit being refrigerated for an hour before using.
5. Sandwich the cakes together with half the ganache and spread the other half on the top. Decorate with raspberries, meringue kisses and flowers. Sift over icing sugar before serving.
   Many thanks to AGA Specialist Dawn Roads for this recipe.

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