Page 51 - RAPTC Mind, Body & Spirit
P. 51

    Army Inspectorate is broken down into three areas (two Review Teams and a Policy Team (each headed up by an OF4)). However, on this occasion, we came together as one. Other on-going work included the Culture Assessment of the Audit & Inspection Regime, the Review into UK Resilience Operations and the Review of the Army’s Competent Advisors and Inspectorates, to name but a few.
The Army Inspector chairing the Monthly Assurance Update
Brigadier Andrew’s last day in the Office
Itook over the post at 2RGR and immediately realised there was a lot to take in. The Bn had recently moved from Folkestone, a quiet small town
on the south coast of England to the very hot, very wet and sunny climate of Brunei.
Like many units, 2RGR have been kept busy during
the transition. In my short time they have conducted
two excellent Junior Leader Cadres, endless Jungle
exercises and supported many others. While burning
the candle at both ends the Bn will always find time to
conduct PT and play sport. Volleyball, Badminton and
Basketball are by far the favourites. At 2 RGR I am
learning to adapt my coaching style and techniques.
In most units the RAPTCI needs to bring motivation
and enthusiasm on permanent send, the Gurkhas
often need calming down and encouragement to rest, it is a positive challenge in itself.
I was lucky to inherit 25 competent and capable AAPTIs. The Gurkhas are always keen to develop skills and abilities which makes my life much easier. While the Bn is generally excellent at running they are beginning to embrace the Program THOR PD direction, raising the significance of strength training, injury prevention and the importance of training all components of fitness.
While the Bn had been here many times before and are fully aware of the challenges such theatres present. My arrival has been a steep, challenging yet rewarding learning curve.
It’s so HOT, I mean real hot. Having been to both Iraq and Afghanistan I didn’t really give this the consideration it deserved. I don’t just mean for PT, I mean for life. Chasing the Air con from building to building, dreaming about snow and seasons. On the plus side, I am in tailored whites daily.
I must mention the challenging wildlife, in my time working in gyms I have faced many challenges and met each one head on with enthusiasm and positivity... that quickly diminishes when you have a
stand-off with a group of big, fast, unpredictable monkeys. The scorpions, snakes and spiders may be more afraid of you than you are of them, monkeys on the other hand do not care about you...
Like many other people, I listened to the Cpl in the Army careers office who promised me I could travel the world in the Army. As most places are drawing down, Brunei is one of a few remaining overseas posts available. Brunei is a small country but the travel opportunities are endless and affordable. I have only been here since Sept 17 and am embracing the opportunity while it lasts.
SSgt (SSI) M Brighty RAPTC
    Brunei Staff PT Training PT on the beach

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