Page 72 - RAPTC Mind, Body & Spirit
P. 72

Sgt (SI) N R Santangeli RAPTC
Iarrived at RCDM at the start of 2017 upon completion of the RAPTC Instructor course. As this was my first Unit as a RAPTCI I was eager and
excited to get started and begin my career in my new Corps.
RCDM is a unique Unit as it is Tri-Service and has
military nurses, doctors, physiotherapists and other
medical staff embedded into the NHS at the Queen
Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. As we do not have a
large military gym all of our PD was delivered at an old
gym hall rented from the University of Birmingham. A
hall built in the early 60s with minimal kit presented
a number of challenges keeping 300 plus military
personnel physically fit and deployable. Adapting to
the facilities we had on offer was a welcome challenge by myself and the Unit, making the most of the situation and finding solutions to these challenges.
After 6 months of discussions with the University we were able to agree a new contract in a brand new multi million pound facility.
Glenart Castle Mess Gym Opening
This offered the capability to deliver S&C, swimming and spinning lessons all led by myself and one AAPTI. This had a massive impact on the number of personnel attending Unit PT and improved PD within RCDM.
The next project was gaining funding, designing and liaising with contractors for a Gym in the new Glenart Castle Mess, an isolated off site facility. With support from the staff at RCDM we were able to receive over £40,000 to buy equipment for a brand new S&C gym in the mess. Before the opening of the new mess personnel all lived in SSSA so had no access to a gym, unless paying for a public gym. Since moving into the mess we now have a fully equipped gym
within the same building as our accommodation leading to yet another boost in PD within RCDM.
Now into my second year at RCDM, I look forward to developing new AAPTIs to assist in the delivery of PD and positively impact these potential future RAPTCIs.
New University Gym Birmingham
   Donnington Support Unit (DSU) is a small but extremely active site tucked away in the suburbs of Telford, Shropshire. We are responsible for PD across the region, including 174 Pro
Coy, HQ 11 Sig & WM Bde and smaller local Regular and Reserve Units.
Following another prosperous season for the Regional Command Indoor Rowing League (RCIRL), it was an honour for DSU to host the 2017 and 2018 RC Indoor Rowing Championships. Almost 100 competitors entered the small doors of the DSU Gymnasium, where Concept 2 rowing machines provided by RAF Stafford and DMS(W) were awaiting the competitors.
Inspired by the RCIRL, I then took to hosting my own indoor competitions and launched the Wattbike TT and Wattbikeathlon. The Wattbikeathlon consisted of a 10km TT followed by a 2.4km run, which is much tougher than it seems. The Wattbike TT was solely created as a platform for those personnel who are injured or downgraded MLD and MND due to MSKI’s. Thus, enabling them to set new goals and compete in a low impact sport to challenge and enhance their fitness levels. 174 Pro Coy took home a lot of Silver at both these events.
Subsequently, the Wattbikes took centre stage within DSU, HQ 11 Sig & WM Bde and surrounding units which led to an Inter Unit Wattbike league between Nov 17 and Mar 18. The league was a big success with over 70 competitors taking part, again allowing
Sgt (SI) DJ Woolridge, RAPTC

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