Page 28 - ALG Issue 4 2022
P. 28
creative plotholders Winshill
The Winshill Allotment site is situated on the borders of South Derbyshire and East Staffordshire and is surrounded by stunning countryside. The famous brewing town of Burton upon Trent is less than a mile or so away. 70+ allotment plots, a shop, toilet block, equipment shed, wildlife ponds and compost areas make up the site and, with over 130 plotholders and their family members, it is a very well used and loved part of the local community.
Local charities, East Staffordshire Family Support Service, Harveygirls & Dads4Dads, support local parents and children through a range of innovative and engaging services. We agreed for them to locate their storage container
at the entrance to our site. Being large, metal, and green we needed to make the container easier on the eye. We asked one of our talented plotholders – Dave Jones – to consider painting a design on to the side. Thankfully, Dave readily agreed.
After some initial designs were drawn, we agreed on the hand and leaf design which Dave felt gave a warm and caring message. Working free hand and with just one paint colour, Dave spent quite a few hours trying to get straight lines over the contours of the container. But, with perseverance, Dave has managed to produce this stunning piece of artwork that now welcomes everyone as they enter the site.
It is simple in its design but beautiful and sums up the ethos of our allotment club perfectly.
The pictures show Dave at work and the finished design.
Looking for creative
plotholders to share
their allotment art!
Perhaps you...
• Have an artistic flair when it comes to decorating
your shed
• Reuse everyday items to decorate your plot
• Create art using the resources your allotment provides
• Use your plot or garden for inspiration
• Or, maybe your plot doubles as your art studio
YOU are a creative plotholder, and we want to hear from you!
Please tell us a bit about your allotment or garden creativity – and send over a few images for your fellow plotholders to see. You don’t have to write much! 200 – 500 words plus 3-4 large jpg images is perfect.
Email to
28 Allotment and Leisure Gardener