Page 36 - Oundle Life A5 March 2023
P. 36

Oundle & District Care
Oundle and District Care (ODC) has been in existence for over 70 years. It is a very local charity, covering Oundle and its surrounding villages (mostly those served by Oundle Surgery). We used to be called Oundle and District Care Committee and were formed in 1949 in order to care for those suffering from TB, and their families. The original
charter states the aims as: “The relief of cases of need of persons resident in the area who are sick, convalescent, disabled, handicapped or infirm, by providing or paying for items, services or facilities calculated to alleviate the suffering of persons, which are not readily available from other sources”.
Monies raised are then donated to services and other charities that serve the local area, such as Volunteer Action, Thorpe Hall, and CHAT Youth Counselling. We have also been able to supply Oundle Surgery with equipment that they would not otherwise be able to have.
We have a representative in all the
   Things have changed in the last 70
years; other charities have been formed, so
the way that our charity functions has also evolved. We raise money from donations, from an annual summer event and also from our Christmas appeal. The charity is run by a small committee of local people, who offer their time and enthusiasm voluntarily. They work very hard in organising the fundraising events.
to borrow such things as wheelchairs, or commodes. We do not charge for this service, but of course, donations are always welcome.
we have a supply of mobility aids that are available for loan
surrounding villages, who are able to let us know when residents have been ill, enabling us to give a gift of fruit or flowers to the person concerned.
In addition to this, we have a supply of mobility aids that are available for loan. This service is very popular for people who have visiting relatives or family members just out of hospital, who are infirm, and would like
   If you would more information, please check out our Facebook page, or email:

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