Page 18 - Oundle Life August 2023
P. 18

                                LEARN, LAUGH, LIVE
Oundle u3a
Many people have never heard of the u3a movement which is a national self-help organisation for anyone aged 55 or over, who is not in full-time work. Here in Oundle the local u3a has a healthy membership of 595 – pretty good for a town with a population of about 6,500 you might think.
However, we are always keen to welcome new members. Joining costs a mere £15 a year and gives the opportunity to join different ‘Interest Groups’ which vary from: active, academic, social and creative activities (see our website), or members can set up a new group. It is a great way of meeting new people, making friends, trying out new skills or learning something new.
Once a month we hold a meeting in the Queen Victoria Hall (QVH), West Street. Open to all members, with refreshments and a visiting speaker. We also run outings to places of interest or to the theatre, ballet or opera.
Our August monthly meeting, held on Monday 14th August from 2pm to 4pm in the QVH, will be a special event when we would love to welcome prospective new members
to see what our u3a is all about. Some of our Interest Groups will have ‘stalls’ so that you can find out what they do, alongside displays of work done by members for our annual competition. These will show entries for the
photography, art, model-making, needlecraft, card-making, and creative writing (both poetry and prose) classes. Prizes for these will be awarded at 3.30pm.
We do hope that, if you’re thinking about becoming a member of our happy band,
you will come along and join us on the 14th August. There will be a chance to chat to existing members and to meet members of
our Committee and to look at the competition entries as well. As an added incentive, there will be refreshments!
The strapline of u3a is ‘Learn, laugh, live’ – and we certainly like to do all three!
We hope to see you on Monday 14th August.

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