Page 74 - The Chapka 2016
P. 74

  Interest in Equestrianism within the Regiment has continued to grow – or should I say be rekindled – over the past year. Support and tuition from the fantastic team at Hollies Riding School goes on with a good number of beginners taking advan- tage of the facilities and subsidised lessons on offer.
With a great deal of the Regiment spending time in BATUS throughout 2016, there was the opportunity for deployed per- sonnel to take part in Exercise ROUGH RIDE, a week of horse- back trekking in the Canadian Rockies. Lieutenant Henson and WO2 Champkins deserve a mention for outwitting the cowboys and managing to gallop across an open expanse, causing some of the more novice riders to briefly lose control of their mounts with horses and bodies flying in all directions. Staff Sergeant Hobson showed immense bravery, but towards the end of the ride was relegated to ride in the pickup truck, as straddling a saddle for many hours took its toll on his legs – much to the amusement of his daughter!
Lieutenant Kellard once again took part in the Royal Wessex Yeomanry Ride on the Badminton estate. The 2016 running was a great deal more chaotic than the previous year and unfortu- nately Lieutenant Kellard found himself adding to the carnage on a novice hireling called Crunchie. He received the dubious honour of the Bobby Faulkner Memorial Bottle – the consola- tion prize for the most spectacular fall, along with a bill for a new riding helmet after several kicks to the head!
The coming year holds more opportunities for competition, along with the inaugural Royal Lancers Spurs Course, designed at giving those who have never had an opportunity to learn to ride with an intensive introduction to the sport. Our thanks go to the trustees, Hollies Riding Stables and The Bedale Hunt for allowing such brilliant sport to happen over the last year.
Royal Lancers Equestrianism

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