Page 6 - Oundle Life July 2023
P. 6

                                COUNTRY PARK
Spring over to Barnwell
    A pair of Mute Swans, Cyglus olor, with cygnets
With the days getting brighter and warmer, Barnwell Country Park has burst into life
once again. Everywhere you look there is new growth of vegetation or new births of cygnets, ducklings and chicks. This has been a welcome sight for me after starting in the dark, quite often gloomy, month of December and it’s thanks to the hard work of our volunteers. This amazing bunch consists of the Wednesday volunteer group, Oundle School, Duke of Edinburgh Award participants and Moulton College work experience volunteers, not to forget the fantastic team of rangers at the Country Park.
We have been able to complete a lot of habitat work for conservation. This will hopefully add to what Barnwell already has to offer and will continue to be appreciated by the general public.
The pair of Mute Swans on Mill Lake have had eight cygnets this year. We have also had hybrid goslings on Middle Lake. We noticed a Greylag Goose being accepted by the Canadian
Azure Damselfly, Coenagrion puella
Geese: it has had some success with four eggs! As for the smaller species; butterflies, bees, and moths, they seem to be loving the Country Park, flying around the wildflower maze and the overflow carparks.
In light of the warmer, drier summers the council has made the decision to ban the use of barbecues in order to protect our wildlife, so that future generations can carry on enjoying the park. If you see barbecues being used on a visit to Barnwell then please inform the duty ranger.
The end of May saw the education rangers run a half-term pond dipping session for families to discover what lurks beneath the surface. Both children and parents seemed to have a fantastic time finding Water Spiders, Lesser Water Boatman and even finding a Newt Eft (a juvenile newt).
We now look to the summer with anticipation of what Barnwell has to offer with butterflies, lizards and more still to make a return. If you are wanting to get out and enjoy the countryside then our brilliant education rangers run Weekly Wednesday Wellbeing Walks. If you would
like to join in then please do come along every Wednesday at 1pm, outside the Kingfisher Café.
  Liam Claris - Barnwell Country Park Ranger For any other way to get involved at Barnwell Country Park then please email: barnwellcountrypark.NCC@northnorthants.
Mallard Ducklings, Anas platyrhynchos

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