Page 42 - Oundle Life February 2024
P. 42

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This classic New York-style cheesecake is a rich, creamy and absolutely delicious dessert that will be an absolute favourite for you and your guests. Serves 8 – 12.
120g digestive biscuits, crushed into crumbs 65g butter, melted
700g approx cream cheese, at room temperature 150ml double cream or sour cream
200g caster sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
Zest of 1 lemon
20cm spring form cake tin, lined with paper.
1. Mix the melted butter and crushed biscuits together and press into the lined tin. Chill for a few minutes while you prepare the filling.
2. Put the cream cheese, double cream and sugar in a mixing bowl and mix well together at a slowish speed so that no lumps remain. Add the eggs, vanilla essence and lemon zest. Mix again until well combined.
3. Bake in the AGA baking oven, on the grid shelf on the floor, for 30 mins initially. After this time, insert the cold plain shelf above
the cheesecake and continue to bake for another 30 mins. The cheesecake should be firm at the edges but still with a good ‘wobble’ in the centre. It will firm up once cooled. Alternatively, bake in a conventional oven at 160 for 1 hour – 1 hour 15mins.
4. Once cooked, immediately run a knife gently around the outside of the cheesecake to release it from the tin. Allow to cool to room temperature then chill for up to 48 hours until needed.
5. To serve, top with some creme fraiche and fresh fruit, or serve with a fruit compote.
Suitable for freezing. Defrost in the fridge overnight or at room temperature for a few hours.
   Recipe from:
Naomi Hansell
at Aga Living

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